
What is lye made of?

What is lye made of?

Soap. Lye in the form of both sodium hydroxide and potassium hydroxide is used in making soap. Potassium hydroxide soaps are softer and more easily dissolved in water than sodium hydroxide soaps.

What is the word for not telling the truth?

Mendacious comes from the Latin word mendax, meaning “lying” or “false.” It is often used to refer to people who habitually lie. Mendax is related to the Latin word for “fault,” menda, which is the root of amend and emend. … The noun mendacity can be used to mean "lack of honesty" or "lie."

Is Lye an acid or base?

Soluble bases, alkali, produce OH- ions, hydroxide anions when dissolved in water, in an aqueous solution. ( More accurately, dissociated in water.) On the other hand, acids produce hydrogen cations (H+) when dissociated in water, in aqueous solution. Bases have pH levels of less than 7 while acids are more than 7.

What does Lye do to skin?

Sodium hydroxide lye is highly caustic and has the potential to burn the skin. Like driving a car, sodium hydroxide is safe when handled properly. … The liquid dissolves the lye and creates a lye solution. Mixing water and lye creates an exothermic reaction that causes a dramatic temperature increase.

Is Lye edible?

Lye water (sometimes called 'Lime Water') is a strong (caustic) liquid that is safe to use in very small amounts in cooking, but it can be dangerous if lye water is swallowed undiluted straight from the bottle. It can cause severe corrosive burns to the throat, oesophagus and stomach with permanent damage if swallowed.