What is Kudasai in Japan?

What is Kudasai in Japan?

Both kudasai (ください)and onegaishimasu(お願いします) are Japanese words used when making a request for items. In many cases, these two Japanese words, which translate roughly as “please” or “please give me,” are interchangeable.

What is Yamero in Japanese?

stop ( when adressing a male) is used in Japanese. yamero means stop when addressing a male yamete is used for same meaning when addressing a female . The word yamero!

What is Daijoubu desu?

daijoubu desu = i’m fine, i’m alright, it’s ok.. ( you reply back to someone or that someone asking you)

What does bakana mean?

In Japanese, baka na バカな means something is “stupid.” From the translation, the word bakana has literally nothing to do with “stupid.” It means “impossible,” for kamisama’s sake!

Is Nani rude?

The word “nani” they are using is not a Japanese word, it is a loan word (of Japnese origin) in the anime/otaku dialect of English. They would never use the word outside of this context, as nobody would understand it. If they are using a word in the only context in which it would be understood, it’s not rude.

What is a Moe girl?

Moe is a Japanese term used in connection with manga or anime to describe something precious, usually (but not always) the ideal of youthful and innocent femininity. Written with the kanji for “to bud or sprout” (萌), the concept covers a range of ideal behaviour for youthful female characters in manga or anime.

What is MOE in Japanese?

Moe (萌え, Japanese pronunciation: [mo.e] ( listen)) is a Japanese word that refers to feelings of strong affection mainly towards characters (usually female) in anime, manga, video games, and other media directed at the otaku market.

What does Moe mean in Chicago?

the Black P. Stone gang

Are Black P Stones Bloods?

Stones Jungles is a division (“set”) of the Bloods street gang in some parts of Los Angeles.

What does Shorty mean in Chicago?

Chicago Gang Slang Words Shorty – A shorty is younger gang member, usually under the age of 18. Shorties are used to commit crimes, and do dirty work. Younger gang members are able to avoid adult sentencing, and usually brought to Juvenile court.

What does Fin mean in Chicago?

If someone asks you for a fin in Chicago, they’re likely asking you for a five-dollar bill. If you’re going out a lot in the Windy City, you’ll probably use this one a lot.

What does Finball mean?

The Almighty Vice Lord Nation (Vice Lords for short, abbreviated AVLN) is the second largest and one of the oldest street, and prison gangs in Chicago, Illinois. Its total membership is estimated to be between 30,000 and 35,000.

What does Geechie mean in Chicago?

Geechie (and various other spellings, such as Geechy or Geechee) is a word referring to the U.S. Lowcountry ethnocultural group of the descendants of West African slaves who retained their cultural and linguistic history, otherwise known as the Gullah people and Gullah language (aka, Geechie Gullah, or Gullah-Geechee.

Where is Holy City in Chicago?

The Holy City is an area running from Pulaski to Homan and Roosevelt to Cermak. For 42 years it has been the domain of the Vice Lords, the dominant gang on Chicago’s west side. On a recent Friday night, a handful of people came to a Ceasefire rally to plead for peace including Chicago Police Commander Berscott Ruiz.

Which rappers are Vice Lords?

Rappers and Rap Groups affiliated

  • Bo Deal (Chicago rapper) hipwiki.
  • Crucial Conflict (Chicago Rap Group)
  • Bump J (rapper) hipwiki.
  • Amoneyy (Chicago Rapper) Cicero Insane Vice Lord.
  • Moonie (Chicago rapper) of LEP Bogus Boys hipwiki.
  • Twista (rapper)
  • Mack Mecca (Chicago rapper)
  • Ebone Hoodrich (rapper) Mafia Insane Vice Lord.

Is Freddie Gibbs Vice Lord?

Freddie Gibbs On Rap Album Grammy Nod: ‘1st Vice Lord Since Michael Jackson To Get Nominated’ Alfredo, Freddie Gibbs’ collaborative album with The Alchemist, has put the Indiana native on quite the streak in 2020. 1st ViceLord since Michael Jackson to get nominated.

Do Vice Lords eat pork?

What can T Vice Lords eat? A Vice Lord is not allowed to eat pork, they are supposed to pray the Afatia over their meals. they are to pray to mecca every friday at 3pm.

Are GDS Crips?

The Gangster Disciples are a criminal street gang formed in Chicago in the late 1960s. Their allies are the Crips and Folk Nation. Their rivals include the Bloods and People Nation; in Tipton County these are Vice Lords. Members often designate themselves as part of the gang by wearing blue and black clothing.

What is a Vice Lord burger?

🔥🍔🍟🥙⁣ ⁣ 🍽 “𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐃𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐲” aka 𝐕𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐁𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐫 is a double cheeseburger stacked with two peppery beef patties, gyro meat, two American 🧀 slices, tzatziki, & grilled . Copycat from Johnny’s Beef & Gyros in Chicago.

How many bricks are in the Vice Lord pyramid?

One of these is the “Insane Vice Lord 9-22-12” Facebook page, it features authentic gang symbols (the pyramid with 21 bricks in it), the initials “IVL”, the crescent moon and five pointed star to symbolize their Islamic identity as Muslims.

Is 4ch Vice Lord?

The Four Corner Hustlers were fairly new of an organization and did not have much to offer the People alliance as far as advancing the drug trade; therefore, the Four Corner Hustlers joined the Vice Lord nation while in prison as Vice Lord branch.

What are the branches of Vice Lord?

The Vice Lords’ leaders are located in both Chicago and Detroit, and the gang is broken down into various “sets,” “decks,” or “branches,” including the Detroit-based Traveling Vice Lords, Insane Vice Lords, Imperial Insane Vice Lords, Conservative Vice Lords and Mafia Insane Vice Lords.

What do Gd’s call each other?

Male members of GD are referred to as “Brothers of the Struggle,” and female members are referred to as “Sisters of the Struggle.”

Can Bloods wear blue?

Members of the gang “bloods”wear red and members of the gang “crypts” wear blue. Bloods wear red. Their rival gang, the Crips, are known for their royal blue (darker but not navy).