What is it called when you use one word to mean another?

What is it called when you use one word to mean another?

Metonymy. While a synecdoche takes an element of a word or phrase and uses it to refer to the whole, a metonymy replaces the word or phrase entirely with a related concept. In truth, some synecdoche are a form of metonymy.

What type of alliteration is W?

Adding the repetition of ā€œwā€ sounds and ā€œsā€ sounds at the beginning of words, gives the line alliteration. With both alliteration and assonance at work, this line has a rhythm and musicality it would otherwise not have.

Can alliteration be 2 words?

Alliteration is when two or more words in a sentence all begin with the same sound. Alliteration is defined as this: the repetition of beginning consonant sounds in two or more neighboring words or syllables.

What is an L blend word?

The Blends – L Blends. Introduce the L Blends. A Blend is two or three letters said together, each keeping its own sound when they are pronounced.