What is it called when a new law is made?

What is it called when a new law is made?

Laws made by Parliament are called Acts, statutes or legislation. To create new laws a Bill (a draft Act) is debated in Parliament. If it is passed by a majority in both houses of Parliament it becomes an Act.

What is the example of implement?

A plow is a farm implement. The definition of implement is a tool that is used to perform a job. A plow is an example of a farm implement.

What does it mean to implement?

verb (used with object) to fulfill; perform; carry out: Once in office, he failed to implement his campaign promises. to put into effect according to or by means of a definite plan or procedure.

How are these laws implemented?

The legislative process does not stop once a bill becomes law. Many laws must be put into effect, or implemented, by an agency of the executive branch. Through a delegation of his authority, the President makes an agency responsible for implementing the law.