
What is God’s unmerited favor?

What is God’s unmerited favor?

Ephesians 1:6 tells us that by God's grace (unmerited favor), God “made us accepted in the Beloved.” In the original Greek text, the word “accepted” is the word charitoo, which means “highly favored.” So because God has placed you in Christ the Beloved, you are highly favored!

What is the difference between Favour and favor?

Favour is the older spelling of the same word. It was considered correct until recently, but now favor is the preferred spelling in American English, so much so that favour is considered a spelling error. In British English, however, favour is still preferred.

Why is God’s grace important?

Through His grace, the Lord also enables those who live His gospel to repent and be forgiven. Grace is a gift from Heavenly Father given through His Son, Jesus Christ. The word grace, as used in the scriptures, refers primarily to enabling power and spiritual healing offered through the mercy and love of Jesus Christ.

Why is it called grace before meals?

A grace is a short prayer or thankful phrase said before or after eating. … In Christian theology, the act of saying grace is derived from the Bible, in which Jesus and Saint Paul pray before meals (cf. Luke 24:30, Acts 27:35). The practice reflects the belief that humans should thank God who is the origin of everything.

What is the true meaning of mercy?

noun, plural mer. · cies for 4, 5. compassionate or kindly forbearance shown toward an offender, an enemy, or other person in one's power; compassion, pity, or benevolence: Have mercy on the poor sinner. the disposition to be compassionate or forbearing: an adversary wholly without mercy.

What is compassion in the Bible?

Compassion alludes to kindness and sympathy, but there is something deeper, something even more profoundly powerful, in its meaning. … The Bible talks of a God who has compassion for Israel. It tells of a Savior who suffers for the world, and it asks us to live and act compassionately.