
What is get back to someone?

What is get back to someone?

DEFINITIONS1. (get back to someone) to phone, write, or speak to someone at a later time because you were busy or could not answer their question earlier.

What means get back to me?

to talk to someone again in order to give them some information or because you were not able to speak to them before: Finance promised to get back to me later with those figures.

What is another word for got back?

What is another word for get back?

recover retrieve
recapture retake
reacquire salvage
recuperate re-collect
win back redeem

Will get back to you later meaning?

It’s means like I talk to you later or see you later Usually this is a response to someone asking a question you don’t want to answer or can’t answer yet.

Will get back to you or at you?

The sentence that the English teacher used was correct. to get back to someone = to get in contact with someone (again). The line in the song, “to get back at” is also correct and means: to get revenge on (someone); to get even with someone.

Will get back to you synonym?

What is another word for get back to?

answer reply to
respond retort
rejoin return
reply riposte
react acknowledge

When I get back meaning?

1 : to come or go again to a person, place, or condition : return, revert getting back to the main topic of the lecture. 2 : to gain revenge : retaliate —usually used with at. transitive verb. : to regain possession of : recover. Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About get back.

What to say instead of get back to you?

What is another word for get back to?

answer reply to
come back to give a response to
respond retort
rejoin return
reply riposte

Will get back to you reply?

The person responds by saying, “I’ll get back to you.” It literally means “I will return your message or respond to your communication.” Sometimes it really means this. But many times, it means “I probably won’t return your message or respond to you at all.

Will get you back meaning?

informal (also get back at sb) to do something unpleasant to someone because they have done something unpleasant to you: I’ll get you back for this, just you wait!

Will get back soon meaning?

Come back is more proper but get back is fine. I’ll come back soon means exactly what it says, literally. However, if the person says, ‘I’ll get back TO YOU soon’ it means I will give you an answer to your question soon.

Will get back to u?

It literally means “I will return your message or respond to your communication.” Sometimes it really means this. But many times, it means “I probably won’t return your message or respond to you at all.

What is the meaning of get back?

Definition of get back. intransitive verb. 1 : to come or go again to a person, place, or condition : return, revert getting back to the main topic of the lecture. 2 : to gain revenge : retaliate —usually used with at.

What does get back to mean?

Definition of get back to. 1 : to return to (a place) after going away We got back to the office in the early afternoon. 2 : to return to (an activity, condition, etc.) Things are finally getting back to normal. Let’s get back to the topic we were discussing yesterday. That’s an interesting discussion but we need to get back to work.

What is the definition of get back?

Definition of get back. intransitive verb. 1. : to come or go again to a person, place, or condition : return, revert. getting back to the main topic of the lecture.

What is another word for get back?

Synonyms for Get back: n. • convert, vary, reverse, alter, transform, turn back, reappear, revisit, turn into, revise, modify, make into, change. v. •competition (verb) get back, get even, settle.