What is GameMon Des?

What is GameMon Des?

GameMon. des is a file that belongs to nProtect GameGuard, a root software that prevents cheating in many Asian online multiplayer games. DES filetypes are mainly used to store security plugins for nProtect GameGuard.

What is Inca shared?

INCA Internet is an information security company based in Republic of Korea, and develops the ‘nProtect’ line of computer security products. The company currently holds more than 70% of the market share of information security for Korean financial institutions and more than 90% of game portal security.

What did the Inca sleep on?

Most of the people lived in adobe brick homes with thatched roofs. The homes were mostly single story with one room. There was typically very little furniture in the homes, just some baskets for storing things, thin mats to sleep on, and a stove.

How did the Incas get married?

Marriages in the Inca civilization were arranged, which meant that the bride and groom did not choose each other. Instead, families selected whom their children would marry. After a man and woman were selected to be married, the wedding ceremony would be planned.

What job did most common Incas have?


Did each ayllu own the land it used for living and farming?

4 Family Life Did each ayllu own the land it used for living and farming? What did the ayllu do on this land? The ayllu did not own its land, which belonged to the emperor. The Inca government loaned land to each ayllu.

Which God was the most important to the Incas Why?

Inti – Inti was the most important of the gods to the Inca. He was the god of the sun. The emperor, or Inca Sapa, was said to be a descendent of Inti. Inti was married to the Goddess of the Moon, Mama Quilla.

Why did so few criminals try to escape Inca?

There was almost no crime in the Inca empire because punishment was swift and harsh. If you were caught stealing, for example, your feet and hands would be cut off. If you lived through your punishment, you received a new job.

What did the Inca do to criminals?

The main punishments for committing crimes involved the criminal being killed. If caught cursing the gods or insulting the Incans, the criminal would be thrown off of a cliff. If an Incan was caught stealing or cheating, they would be beaten with stones. If caught a second time, they would be beaten to death.

Were rules in Inca society were very strict?

The Inca society was based around strict social classes. Few people had the opportunity to improve their social status. Once a person was born into a social class, that was where they would remain for the rest of their life.

Which animal was most important to the Inca?


Who were the Inca mailmen of the day?

The roadrunners were the mailmen of the Inca empire. They were allowed to run on the roads. They worked by a relay system. One roadrunner would carry a message about a mile down the road and tell it to the next roadrunner.

Did Incas eat llamas?

The Inca ate potatoes and corn. They drank llama milk and water and ate llamas and alpaca for their daily protein because they didn’t have pigs, cows, sheep or turkeys.

What happened to the Inca?

The Inca state was known as the Kingdom of Cuzco before 1438. However, shortly after the Inca Civil War, the last Sapa Inca (emperor) of the Inca Empire was captured and killed on the orders of the conquistador Francisco Pizarro, marking the beginning of Spanish rule.

What disease killed the Inca?

Smallpox is widely blamed for the death of the Inca Huayna Capac and blamed as well for the enormous demographic catastrophe which enveloped Ancient Peru (Tawantinsuyu).

What killed the Inca empire?

Influenza and smallpox were the main causes of death among the Inca population and it affected not only the working class but also the nobility.

Are there Incas alive today?

“Most of them still living in the towns of San Sebastian and San Jeronimo, Cusco, Peru, at present, are probably the most homogeneous group of Inca lineage,” says Elward. The same pattern of the Inca descendants was also found in individuals living south to Cusco, mainly in Aymaras of Peru and Bolivia.

What race were the Incas?

The Incas were a civilization in South America formed by ethnic Quechua people also known as Amerindians.

Why did Incas leave Machu Picchu?

Generally, all historians agree when said that Machu Picchu was used as housing for the Inca aristocracy after the Spanish conquest of in 1532. After Tupac Amaru, the last rebel Inca, was captured, Machu Picchu was abandoned as there was no reason to stay there.

Are Incas extinct?

The Incas of Peru are undoubtedly one of the most admired of ancient civilisations. Less than two centuries later, however, their culture was extinct, victims of arguably the cruellest episode of Spanish colonial history. …

Why did Inca empire fall?

While there were many reasons for the fall of the Incan Empire, including foreign epidemics and advanced weaponry, the Spaniards skilled manipulation of power played a key role in this great Empire’s demise.

What language did Incas speak?


Did the Incas have money?

The Incas did not use money, in fact they did not need it. Their economy was so efficiently planned that every citizen had their basic needs met. Economic exchanges were made using the barter system by which people traded with each other for things they needed.

Why did the Inca become extremely wealthy?

So how do you become a continent-dominating empire without cash? In the case of the Incas, it’s likely that the technologies that granted them agricultural surplus (extra food and textile materials) helped them with their expansive empire-building. Food was their coin; pure labor structured their economy.

What money did Incas use?

The Incas might not have used money, but they did keep track of numbers. They used a quipu, which was a system using colored strings made of llama wool to record taxes as well as the population of people and animals.

What did the Incas revere the most?

Inti: The central Sun god the Inca worshipped. He represented abundance, harvests, and fertility, and was considered more important than any other deity worshipped in the region. Inti Raymi: The most important religious festival of the Inca year.

Is GameGuard a rootkit?

nProtect GameGuard (sometimes called GG) is an anti-cheating rootkit developed by INCA Internet. It is widely installed in many online games to block possibly malicious applications and prevent common methods of cheating. GameGuard uses rootkits to proactively prevent cheat software from running.

Who is a game guard?

Our “boots on the ground” Namibia’s Community Game Guards are the “boots on the ground” who play a crucial role in patrolling, monitoring of wildlife and other resources, anti-poaching and law enforcement.

How do I fix GameGuard?

To fix this Windows 10 GameGuard error, allow NProtect access through your firewall, and if it persists, delete GameGuard directory. If the update isn’t successful or GameGuard file is corrupted, try again later or check firewall settings.

Is GameGuardian safe?

Yes, GameGuardian is a completely safe application. It has support from a large community of users and developers on the Internet and none of them have warned that it contains malicious code. Therefore, your installation does not involve the risk of infection of our phone.

How do I uninstall GameGuard?

Open WinX menu by holding Windows and X keys together, and then click Programs and Features.

  1. b. Look for nProtect GameGuard Personal 3.0 in the list, click on it and then click Uninstall to initiate the uninstallation.
  2. b. Find uninstall.exe or unins000.exe.
  3. c.
  4. d.
  5. e.
  6. f.
  7. g.
  8. h.