What is formula of Centre of mass?

What is formula of Centre of mass?

The center of mass can be calculated by taking the masses you are trying to find the center of mass between and multiplying them by their positions. Then, you add these together and divide that by the sum of all the individual masses.

What is Torque 11th?

Torque is the measure of the force that can cause an object to rotate about an axis. Hence, torque can be defined as the rotational equivalent of linear force. The point where the object rotates is called the axis of rotation. In physics, torque is simply the tendency of a force to turn or twist.

Where is torque used?

Torque is a twisting force that speaks to the engine’s rotational force and measures how much of that twisting force is available when an engine exerts itself. Torque is present in everyday happenings, such as operating a doorknob, opening a soda bottle, using a wrench, or pedaling a bicycle.

How do I calculate torque?

A practical way to calculate the magnitude of the torque is to first determine the lever arm and then multiply it times the applied force. The lever arm is the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation to the line of action of the force. and the magnitude of the torque is τ = N m.

What is the formula for net torque?

The net torque is therefore τnet=∑i|τi|=10=230N⋅m. τ net = ∑ i | τ i | = 160 − 60 + 120 + 10 = 230 N · m .

What is 1 Nm of torque?

Torque is measured in Newton metres (Nm) or you might see the imperial measurement of lb-ft (pounds-feet). If you want to calculate the conversion for yourself, 1 Nm is equivalent to 0.738 lb/ft. See the pulling power of torque in our tug of war video.

How much torque is required to lift a weight?

To calculate load torque, multiply the force (F) by the distance away from the rotational axis, which is the radius of the pulley (r). If the mass of the load (blue box) is 20 Newtons, and the radius of the pulley is 5 cm away, then the required torque for the application is 20 N x 0.05 m = 1 Nm.

How much torque is required to move a car?

Overall transmission (and power-train) efficiency of the modern electric vehicles is within 59 .. 62 %. The answer to your question is 43.2 Nm of Torque required that can be obtained with the transmission ratio value of 15.

What is full load torque?

The Full-load Torque is the torque required to produce the rated power of an electrical motor at full-load speed. In imperial units the Full-load Torque can be expressed as. T = 5252 Php / nr (1)

What are the components of load torque?

Components of the Load Torque (TL) : The load torque TL can be further divided into the following components: 1. Friction torque TF: The friction will be present at the motor shaft and also in the various parts of the load. 2. Windage torque TW: When a motor runs, the wind generates a torque opposing the motion.

How many types of load torque are there?

two types

How do you calculate pull torque?

The maximum torque or pull-out torque, which occurs at the slip s=spo. Once a machine has reached rated operating point, this is the maximum torque that can be applied without stalling the machine (pulling out).

What is windage torque?

When a motor runs, wind generates a torque opposing the motion. This is known as windage torque.

Why is it called Kentucky windage?

The colloquial term “Kentucky windage” refers to the practice of holding the aim to one side of the target to compensate for wind (also known as “leading” the wind), without actually changing the existing adjustment settings on the gunsight.

Is friction A torque?

Friction torque is the torque caused by the frictional force that occurs when two objects in contact move. Like all torques, it is a rotational force which may be measured in newton metres or pounds-feet.

Which braking method is the best method for obtaining high braking torque?


Which one is the most efficient method of braking?

1. DC Injection Braking. DC injection braking is a method of braking in which direct current (DC) is applied to the stationary windings of an AC motor after the AC voltage is removed. This is an efficient and effective method of braking most AC motors.

Which of the following is correct formula for braking torque in plugging?

5. Which of the following is correct formula for braking torque in plugging? Explanation: Braking torque is equal to braking power divided by speed of the motor. T= [(nka )2/Rb]/n.

Which of the following type of brakes can bring the member to an absolute rest?

Which of the following type of brakes can bring the member to an absolute rest? Explanation: The electric and hydraulic brakes cannot bring the member to rest and are mostly used where large amounts of energy are to be transformed.

What is the ratio of raw materials to water Mcq?

Explanation: Experience has shown the raw material (domestic and poultry wastes and manure) ratio to water should be 1:1, i.e., 100kg of excrete to 100 kg of water.

When brakes are applied kinetic energy is converted to?

Friction braking is the most commonly used braking method in modern vehicles. It involves the conversion of kinetic energy to thermal energy by applying friction to the moving parts of a system. The friction force resists motion and in turn generates heat, eventually bringing the velocity to zero.

Which energy is absorbed by brakes?


When brakes are applied on a moving vehicle?

When brakes are applied to a moving vehicle, the distance it travels before stopping is called stopping distance. It is an important factor for road safety and depends on the initial velocity ((v0) and the braking capacity, or deceleration, – a that is caused by the braking.

What is mechanical braking system?

Mechanical brakes are assemblies consisting of mechanical elements for the slowing or stopping of shafts in equipment drives. They use levers or linkages to transmit force from one point to another. Braking slows or stops the movement of the coupled shafts.

Which brake can never become self locking?

Which of the following brake does not has self locking? Explanation: Disk brakes do not have self locking However, it is possible to achieve self locking in differential band brakes. 7. Braking torque is independent of the radius of drum.