What is EP mode?

What is EP mode?

EP stands for Extended Play. With your VCR on this setting, you can get up to 6 hours of recording time on a T-120 VHS tape or 8 hours on a T-180 (at least I think it's a T-180) LP stands for Long Play. With your VCR on this setting you'll get 4 hours on a T-120 tape. SP stands for Standard Play.

What is 4hs VCR?

In videocassette recorders, four heads are always better than two. (VCRs also have at least one audio head to handle the sound and an erasure head, but when a machine is called “four-head” the term usually does not include those.) Video heads, though, are more complicated than the heads on an audiocassette recorder.

What quality is VHS?

VHS resolution is approximately represented by the “VCD” box here. VHS carried an effective horizontal resolution of about 200–250 lines, or about 1/5 that of the lowest-quality (720p) flavor of HD, and about 1/20 that of the best (4K) resolution commercially available today.

What does EP and SP mean on a VCR?

SP = Standard Play. LP = Long Play. SLP = Super Long play (sometimes Slow Play) EP = Extended Play. SP was first, when VHS debuted in the 1970s.