What is detailed account?

What is detailed account?

Detail accounts are defined for a summary account and are used to post journal entries. A detail account consists of an account number (up to six digits) and, optionally, a subaccount number (up to four digits). Subaccount numbers let you further define a detail account.

What detailed means?

: marked by abundant detail or by thoroughness in treating small items or parts the detailed study of history.

What is an example of a detail?

A detail is defined as an individual fact or feature, or is a small or minor part of something, or a small group of people assigned to a specific task. When you look at a large painting and notice the tiny little hands of one of the people in the painting, this is an example of noticing the detail of the painting.

What is another word for detailed?

SYNONYMS FOR detailed 1 involved, complex, complicated. 2 itemized, particularized; exhaustive, thorough, comprehensive.

What is a very detailed person called?

Someone who is meticulous pays extreme attention to detail. If that person is, say, your surgeon or your accountant, you’ll definitely want them to be meticulous!

What does highly detailed mean?

adjective [usually ADJECTIVE noun] A detailed report or plan contains a lot of details.

What is the opposite word for detailed?

vague, bare, inexact, modest, nondescript, compendious, unsophisticated, questionable, needy, uncomplicated, concise, abbreviated, Inexhaustive, abridged, crisp, imprecise, nonspecific, careless, simple, overall, indeterminate, terse, undecorated, unvarnished, compact, shortened, indefinite, no-frills, short.

What is a detail sentence?

Detail sentences are usually more “specific” than the topic, that is, they usually talk about one single or small part or side of an idea. Also, the words “for example”, “i.e.”, “that is”, “first”, “second”, “third”, etc., and “finally” often signal a detail.

What is a detailed paragraph?

Detailed Paragraph – Structure and Description. Page 1. Detailed Paragraph – Structure and Description. (for Developing Literature – and, other essays) The difference between a basic paragraph and a “detailed paragraph” is that the latter contains much more detail and support.

How do you write a detailed sentence?

6 Tips for Writing Good Sentences

  1. Keep it simple. Long sentences or overly complex sentences don’t necessarily make sophisticated sentence writing.
  2. Use concrete rhetoric.
  3. Employ parallelism.
  4. Mind your grammar.
  5. Properly punctuate.
  6. Practice writing.

How do you write a detailed paragraph?

5 Tips for Structuring and Writing Better Paragraphs

  1. Make the first sentence of your topic sentence.
  2. Provide support via the middle sentences.
  3. Make your last sentence a conclusion or transition.
  4. Know when to start a new paragraph.
  5. Use transition words.

What are the 5 types of paragraph?

Different Type of Paragraphs

  • Descriptive paragraphs.
  • Narrative paragraphs.
  • Expository paragraphs.
  • Persuasive paragraphs.
  • Literary paragraph.

What are the 5 elements of a paragraph?

A basic paragraph structure usually consists of five sentences: the topic sentence, three supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence….How do you write a paragraph?

  • Element #1: Unity. Unity in a paragraph begins with the topic sentence.
  • Element #2: Order.
  • Element #3: Coherence.
  • Element #4: Completeness.

What are the parts of paragraph?

The parts of a paragraph normally include:

  • The Topic Sentence. The topic sentence is usually the first sentence in a paragraph.
  • The Supporting Sentences. This is where the detailed sentences go to support the main idea in the topic sentence.
  • The Transition Sentence.

What are the 4 kinds of paragraph?

Because there are four paragraph types — narrative, descriptive, expository, and persuasive—the paragraph can be used to describe or explain an endless variety of things. It’s important to know how to use each paragraph type for the right purpose, though.

What is the main paragraph?

The main idea is the point of the paragraph. The author can locate the main idea in different places within a paragraph. The main idea is usually a sentence, and it is usually the first sentence. The writer then uses the rest of the paragraph to support the main idea.

What are 3 parts of a paragraph?

Every paragraph in the body of an essay consists of three main parts: a topic sentence, some supporting sentences, and a concluding sentence.

How do you identify a paragraph?

An effective paragraph contains three main parts: a topic sentence, the body, and the concluding sentence. A topic sentence is often the first sentence of a paragraph.

What is an example of a supporting detail?

Supporting detail is additional information that explains, defines or proves the main idea. An example of a supporting detail in a story is a description of the character’s clothing. An example of supporting detail in a newspaper article are sentences that answer the questions who, what, where, when, why and how.

What is simple paragraph?

A simple paragraph is the first element taught in writing. It is an independent entity, without any connection to any other topic, thought or idea. It exists on its own.

How do you start paragraph?

The First Paragraph: The Introduction

  1. Describe your main idea, or what the essay is about, in one sentence.
  2. Develop a thesis statement, or what you want to say about the main idea.
  3. List three points or arguments that support your thesis in order of importance (one sentence for each).

What is topic sentence in paragraph?

Every paragraph should include a topic sentence that identifies the main idea of the paragraph. A topic sentence also states the point the writer wishes to make about that subject. Generally, the topic sentence appears at the beginning of the paragraph. It is often the paragraph’s very first sentence.

How do you write a beginner paragraph?

Topic sentence (the first paragraph sentence).

  1. Topic sentence. The topic sentence states the main idea of the paragraph to be discussed.
  2. Supporting sentences. The supporting sentences develop the topic sentence / main idea.
  3. Concluding sentence.

What are some good sentence starters for essays?

Below is a list of possible sentence starters, transitional and other words that may be useful. This essay discusses … … is explored … … is defined … The definition of … will be given … is briefly outlined … … is explored … The issue focused on …. … is demonstrated … is included …

How do you write a 5 sentence paragraph?

The classic five sentence paragraph uses the following format:

  1. Tell them what you are going to tell them.
  2. Tell them.
  3. Tell them.
  4. Tell them.
  5. Tell them what you told them.

How many paragraphs are in a sentence?

If we look around, we’ll find that the idea of paragraphs with a minimum of 3-5 sentences and a maximum of 8 is pretty common. But there are some who say that two to three paragraphs per page are best and others who say that 5 to 7 lines will do the job.

What does one paragraph look like?

This is what a paragraph looks like and how you write one. The first line of a paragraph is indented about five spaces. The rest of the sentences follow one another with only two spaces between them until the end of the paragraph.

What is the difference between paragraph and sentence?

A sentence contains at least one independent clause, i.e., at least one subject doing at least one verb while forming a complete thought. A paragraph is one or more sentences that together support a single idea, usually encapsulated in the topic sentence for that paragraph.