What is debate and discussion?

What is debate and discussion?

Debate is a process that involves formal discussion on a particular topic. In a debate, opposing arguments are put forward to argue for opposing viewpoints. … It is a formal type of discussion, often with a moderator and an audience, in addition to the debate participants.

What is difference between argument and discussion?

'Argument' generally means an angry dispute or disagreement. … The definition is similar to 'argument' because it involves presenting ideas, information or opinions. However, the usage of the word 'discussion' between two or more people is not an angry or heated situation.

What is the debate?

Debate or debating is a method of argument. Disputes and conflicts may be settled by debate. It is a larger form of argument than logical argument, because in a debate, the debaters try to influence the feelings of the audience, in order to persuade them on a topic. … An issue or debate always has two sides or positions.

What is group discussion and its types?

Generally, there are two types of Group Discussions that are normally followed by most of the institutes. They are, Topic-Based and Case Study based Group Discussions. Let's first discuss about the Topic-Based GD as this is the most popular type followed and practiced by institutes.