What is CSC squared equal to?

What is CSC squared equal to?

The square of co-secant function equals to the addition of one and square of cot function is called the cosecant squared formula. It is also called as the square of cosecant function identity.

What is equivalent to cos 2x?

cos(2x) = 2cos2(x) − 1 = 2(0.4)2 − 1 = −0.68. In the next exercise you are given information about an angle and asked to apply the double angle formulas to find the sine of the double angle and the cosine of the double angle.

How do you write Cos 2x?

The most straightforward way to obtain the expression for cos(2x) is by using the “cosine of the sum” formula: cos(x + y) = cosx*cosy – sinx*siny. cos(2x) = cos² (x) – (1 – cos²(x)) = 2cos²(x) – 1. = 2cos²(x) – 1.

How do you tell if an equation has no solution?

The constants are the numbers alone with no variables. If the coefficients are the same on both sides then the sides will not equal, therefore no solutions will occur. Use distributive property on the right side first.

How do you know if an equation has two Solution?

The discriminant is the part under the square root in the quadratic formula, b²-4ac. If it is more than 0, the equation has two real solutions. If it’s less than 0, there are no real solutions. If it’s equal to 0, there is one real solution.

How can you tell if an equation has infinitely many solutions?

An equation can have infinitely many solutions when it should satisfy some conditions. The system of an equation has infinitely many solutions when the lines are coincident, and they have the same y-intercept. If the two lines have the same y-intercept and the slope, they are actually in the same exact line.

Which system of equations has only one solution?

A system of linear equations usually has a single solution, but sometimes it can have no solution (parallel lines) or infinite solutions (same line). This article reviews all three cases. One solution. A system of linear equations has one solution when the graphs intersect at a point.

What is the radian equivalent of 60 degrees?


What is the period of a function?

The distance between the repetition of any function is called the period of the function. For a trigonometric function, the length of one complete cycle is called a period. For any trigonometry graph function, we can take x = 0 as the starting point.

What is the period of tan?

The period of a tangent function, y=atan(bx) , is the distance between any two consecutive vertical asymptotes.

What is the period of an equation?

If a function has a repeating pattern like sine or cosine, it is called a periodic function. The period is the length of the smallest interval that contains exactly one copy of the repeating pattern. So the period of or is . Any part of the graph that shows this pattern over one period is called a cycle.

Which type of waves have the longest wavelength?

Radio waves, infrared rays, visible light, ultraviolet rays, X-rays, and gamma rays are all types of electromagnetic radiation. Radio waves have the longest wavelength, and gamma rays have the shortest wavelength.

What is difference between time and time period?

Answer. time is actual in which we work and time period is a work of long going process. our or any thing which is repeating continously at a time period.

What is a wave velocity?

Wave velocity, distance traversed by a periodic, or cyclic, motion per unit time (in any direction). Wave velocity in common usage refers to speed, although, properly, velocity implies both speed and direction.

Which wave has highest velocity?

Primary Waves (or P-Waves) – These are compressional waves, also known as longitudinal waves and are the first seismic waves to arrive at a location on the Earth. This type of wave has the highest velocity for traveling through Earth materials.

Is wave velocity constant?

The velocity of the wave, v, is a constant determined by the properties of the medium in which the wave is moving as we saw above. The velocity is a vector which gives the forward speed of the wave and the direction the wave is traveling.

What is wave velocity and group velocity?

Waves can be in the group and such groups are called wave packets, so the velocity with a wave packet travels is called group velocity. The velocity with which the phase of a wave travels is called phase velocity. The relation between group velocity and phase velocity are proportionate.

What is the formula of group velocity?

The group velocity vg is defined by the equation: where ω is the wave’s angular frequency (usually expressed in radians per second), and k is the angular wavenumber (usually expressed in radians per meter). The phase velocity is: vp = ω/k.

Can group velocity be faster than the speed of light?

No, light can’t be accelerated to faster than c. Any blip of light traveling in a vacuum will move at that speed. Those deviations travel at the blip speed, less than c. That blip speed is called the “group velocity”.

Can group velocity be greater than C?

By considering a material in which the tail has the opposite sign, it is shown that the group velocity can be larger than c without having any signal propagate faster than c. Keywords: 03.30.

What is Wave group?

Definition of Wave group: A series of short-period waves bounded by an amplitude envelope of much larger periodicity, corresponding to the superposition of incident waves with slightly differing wave lengths and frequencies.