What is citrus bergamot used for?

What is citrus bergamot used for?

Bergamot is a plant that produces a type of citrus fruit. Oil from the peel of the fruit, and extract from the fruit juice, are used to make medicine. Bergamot oil is most commonly used in aromatherapy for anxiety, nausea and vomiting, pain, and other conditions.

Does Citrus Bergamot work?

Commonly used as a flavoring in Earl Grey tea, the extract of the bitter citrus fruit bergamot was shown to reduce cholesterol levels in four recent human studies. Bergamot also was credited with raising good cholesterol, removing fatty deposits in the liver and lowering blood sugar levels.

What does a bergamot orange look like?

Bergamot is a fragrant citrus fruit from the tropical, Citrus bergamia plant. Common throughout the Mediterranean, the fruit is the size of an orange, yet similar in color to a lime, or even yellowish, depending on the ripeness. The flesh tastes the same way it smells: tart, acidic, highly fragrant, and spicy.

Is Bergamot good for skin?

It's no surprise that bergamot is great for skin, too. Bergamot for face care is growing in popularity. The oil contains limonene, a potent antioxidant. Linalyl acetate, linalool and pinene have disinfectant and anti-inflammatory properties that are key for skin health.