What is BrF7?

What is BrF7?

Bromine Heptafluoride BrF7 Molecular Weight — EndMemo.

Does BrF7 exist?

IF7 is known to exist while BrF7 does not exist.

Why BF6 3 does not exist?

Since boron has maximum covalency of 4 due to its non availability of d orbital, it is unable to expand to its octet configuration. So BF63− does not exist.

Does F3 exist?

The central F atom is required to have a d orbital if F3- was to exist. This is not possible as F can not have an expanded octet, therefore F3- does not exist. The atom is too small (does not have d orbitals) to exceed the octet, therefore, it does not exist.

Which of the following compound does not exist IF7?

Answer. because Br is too small to accommodate 7 electron but I has ability to do so . so IF7 exist but not BrF7.

Does BrCl exist?

At equilibrium, BrCl is a fuming dark red liquid below 5° C. It exists as a solid only at relatively low temperatures. Liquid BrCl can be vaporized and metered as a vapor in equipment similar to that used for chlorine.

Which Interhalogen compound does not exist?

Answer. Correct answer will be Cl3 F . Cl3 F doesn ‘ t exist due to the absence of vacant d – orbitals on F so F can’t form three bonds . As it can only form 1 bond at a time because of absence of empty d orbitals .

Which type of interhalogen compounds is not possible?

Fluorine can not be a central particle in interhalogen compounds. This is because it is part of the second cycle of the periodic table. Since it has 7 valence electrons, it can only form one bond.

Which compound of xenon is not possible?

This is because the promotion of 1, 2, or 3 electrons from the 5p filled orbitals to 5d vacant orbitals will give rise to 2,4,6 half-filled orbitals. The structures are as shown: It cannot combine with an odd number of F –atoms. Thus, the formation of XeF3 and XeF5 is not possible.

How many Interhalogen compounds are not possible?

Solution : F cannot show O.N. more than zero.

How are Interhalogen compounds formed?

Introduction. Interhalogen compounds are compounds formed when halogen group elements react with each other. In other words, it is a molecule which consists of two or more different elements of group 17.

What do you mean by interhalogen compounds?

An interhalogen compound is a molecule which contains two or more different halogen atoms (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, or astatine) and no atoms of elements from any other group. Most interhalogen compounds known are binary (composed of only two distinct elements).

Which of the following Interhalogens Cannot exist?

Solution : ClI5 cannot exist because chlorine can not coordinate to five large size I atoms. Step by step solution by experts to help you in doubt clearance & scoring excellent marks in exams.

Why does ClF3 exist but not FCL 3?

Solution : Chlorine has vacant 3d-orbitals and an electron can be promoted from 3p filled orbital to 3d orbital. Thus, chlorine can show a cavalency of 3 in its compunds and a molecule of ClF3 can exist.

Which of the following are Interhalogens?

Solution : ICl is an interhalogen compound.

Which among the following represents correct method of preparation of an interhalogen compound?

Preparation of Interhalogen Compounds One example includes the reaction when a volume of chlorine reacts with an equal volume of fluorine at 473K. The resultant product is chlorine monofluoride. In other cases, a halogen atom acts with another lower interhalogen to form an interhalogen compound.

Why if is unstable?

In IF there should be overlap between 2pelectron and 5p electron. Therefore the overlap between 2p electron and 5p electron will not be proper and bond will not be stable. For this reason IF is unstable.

Why are Interhalogen compounds more reactive?

Bonds in the interhalogen compounds (X-Y) are generally weaker and also more polar than the bonds in the pure halogens (X-Y). Therefore, interhalogen compounds are more reactive than halogens.

Which is more reactive BrF5 or BrF?

The order of reactivity of some interhalogens is as follows: CIF3 > BrF3 > IF7 > BrF5 > BrF .

Which is more reactive interhalogen compound?

Because the size of the fluorine atom is very small and the electronegativity is very high in between the F-F, that’s why the bond between the fluorine and fluorine is weak and this makes the fluorine molecule to be more reactive.

Which is more reactive F2 or ClF?

In F2 molecule, F-F bond energy is lower than Cl-F bond in ClF3. Thus fluorine is more reactive than ClF3.

Is CIF more reactive than fluorine?

Solution : Correct Reason: F-F bond is stronger than CI-F bond. F atom is small in size.

Why F2 is more reactive than ClF?

Answer. the electron affinity of fluorine is less than chlorine . 1- the low dissociation energy of f2 molecule , and high hydration energy of f- ion , more than compensate for the low electron affinity fluorine , the oxidising power of fluorine is more than chlorine .

Why is N2 less reactive than O2?

Atomic nitrogen and atomic oxygen don’t exist under “normal” conditions because each forms molecules N2 and O2. N2 is less reactive than O2 in most gaseous reactions because there is a strong triple bond between the atoms, all the valence electrons are in bonding orbitals, and more energy is needed to excite them.

Why is ICl more reactive than i2 but F2 is more reactive than ClF?

The intehalogen compounds are generally more reactive than the halogens, because the bond between them is relatively weak than the bond between the halogen moecules. But the case of F2 is different. This inter-electronic repulsion weakens the F-F bond and thus makes flourine more reactive than the IBr, ICl, ClF.