What is Azarath?

What is Azarath?

As for the meaning of the words themselves, according to the Teen Titans animated series “Azarath” is the name of Raven’s home dimension.

What is Raven’s spell?

Raven often uses the incantation “Azarath Metrion Zinthos” as a focal point for her exceptionally strong telekinetic powers.

What is Raven’s real name?

Rachel Roth

What is the crystal on Raven’s head?

Raven’s Gem is a chakra-like gem on her forehead. It is a containment unit for the purpose to imprison her inner demon. When broken, her inner demon is released that can be absorbed by other demons, like Trigon.

Why did Raven become white?

Raven donned a new white cloak to represent her being free from her father’s influence. The Titans were eventually captured by the Wildebeest Society, but were rescued by a group of heroes.

Did Beast Boy and Raven get married?

Marriage. Beast Boy and Raven are married in a large group ceremony along with all the other occupants of their camp. The two eventually grow very fond of each other, Raven feeling genuinely happier in his presence and Beast Boy harboring a great pride at being her husband.

What race is Beastboy?

Beast Boy
Species Metahuman
Team affiliations Teen Titans Doom Patrol Justice League Young Justice Titans West The Ravagers Titans
Notable aliases Changeling
Abilities Metamorphic ability to transform into any animal or animal-like protist Highly skilled hand-to-hand combatant Werewolf physiology

Is Starfire older than Robin?

Starfire is 156 years old in Tamaran years, making her much more mature than her teenage colleagues, despite her youthful appearance. Robin, on the other hand, was about 16 when he first met Starfire, making their relationship not only unorthodox but brings in the question of legality.

Who is Starfire boyfriend?

Dick Grayson

Who is Starfire’s crush?

Robin. Robin has a huge romantic crush on Starfire, which borderlines nearly on obsessive love. Throughout the series, he resorts to every means possible to win her over.

Who is stronger Starfire or Captain Marvel?

Both have super strength, flight ,energy blasts, and energy absorption, but Starfire has had a lot more combat training. Starfire is stronger and believe it or not faster, stronger, and more durable the Captain Marvel. But captain Marvel does have some good feats about her. Starfire and Cap are both the same.

Can Starfire beat Raven?

Starfire is incredibly powerful with her starbolts, stellar energy absorption, and superhuman abilities. However, when rivaled against Raven’s telekinetic, world-ending powers, Starfire would be outmatched.

Why is raven evil?

Raven is constantly struggling to control her emotions and keep herself from giving into the evil side of her soul. During the storyline “Titans Hunt,” Raven was corrupted by her father’s influence and turned evil. She would eventually ruin Nightwing and Starfire’s wedding, and would later seemingly die.

Why is raven so powerful?

Her soul self is an astral projection of her soul, usually in the shape of a shadowy bird. She can project her consciousness into her Soul Self, allowing her to think and talk from it. The Soul Self can act independently from Raven’s physical body, with each performing separate tasks (both are still Raven, though).

Who is more beautiful raven or Starfire?

Personally for me, Raven is 10 times hotter than Starfire. She doesn’t need to show 90% of her skin or “be oversexualized” to be represented as hot and beautiful . She is elegant, mysterious, got that beautiful dark hair and that very hot costume, with long boots and the cloak.

Who is stronger Starfire or blackfire?

Blackfire is the only Tamaranean in the DC comics that could not fly under her own force of willpower; however, in the animated series, she can. However, Blackfire was subjected to the experiment slightly longer than Starfire, therefore hers are light purple and far much stronger and more effective.

Is Starfire beautiful?

Physical Appearance. Starfire full view Starfire is shown to be incredibly beautiful and stunning. Her eyes, nose, lips, mouth, hair, skin, and outfit view her as colorful in comparison to other girls such as Raven.

How many stomachs does Starfire have?

nine stomachs

Who did cyborg marry?

In the DC Comics, Sarah Simms made her debut in The New Teen Titans #8 (June 1981). She was a main love interest of Cyborg in the original DC comics as well.

Does cyborg eat?

“Cyborg doesn’t eat. While some may not believe Cyborg is an interesting enough character to carry his own standalone film, the fact that he can hang out in Atlantis (assuming he doesn’t rust) does open the doors for him to hang out with Aquaman in a future film.