What is Aunt Alexandra definition of being a lady?

What is Aunt Alexandra definition of being a lady?

Aunt Alexandra wishes Scout would act like a proper Southern lady and not behave like a “tomboy.” Alexandra believes a female should wear dresses, engage in social activities, and remain indoors. She also believes a lady should have an understanding of her heritage and not participate in physical activities.

What does aunt Alexandra think of Atticus?

She disapproves of Atticus’ parenting style and disagrees with how he allows Scout to dress and behave like a “tomboy.” She also feels that Atticus needs to do a better job of instilling a sense of pride in their family heritage. Alexandra even petitions Atticus to teach his children about the Finch family history.

What kind of person is Aunt Alexandra?

Aunt Alexandra is a poised, well-mannered Southern woman. She is critical of Scout’s tomboyish ways. She considers family breeding important to how a person behaves. Despite her cold demeanor, Aunt Alexandra is shown to care deeply for her family.

What is Aunt Alexandra concerned with?

For one thing, Aunt Alexandra is concerned with maintaining the good name of the Finch family, which has a history of wealth and high class in Maycomb County. Second, she is devoted to ensuring Scout grows up to be a “proper lady,” and she moves in with Atticus to provide a feminine influence for his children.

How does Aunt Alexandra try to change Atticus life?

Aunt Alexandra tries to pressure Atticus into telling the children why they should behave and “live up to your name.” Atticus makes an attempt, but when Scout begins to get upset with this strange side of her father she has never seen before, he returns to his original principles and finds himself incapable of passing …

How does Aunt Alexandra change?

She is happy to see Scout, who has succeeded in not spilling the coffee pot. While Alexandra seemed to be extremely bigoted, going by her comments about Atticus, she appears to have changed when the conversation at the missionary circle gets heated.

Why has Aunt Alexandra arrived?

Aunt Alexandra decides to come to stay with Atticus in order to provide help around the house during Tom Robinson’s trial and to instruct Scout in the ways of being a lady. She is an imposing figure, and Scout describes her as being like Mt. Everest: “She was cold and there.”

How does Aunt Alexandra change Scout?

In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, Aunt Alexandra tells Scout Finch to act like a lady and wear a dress so she can “be a ray of sunshine in [her] father’s lonely life.” Scout does not respond positively: she retorts that she can “be a ray of sunshine in pants just as well” (89).

Why do aunt Alexandra and scout pretend that nothing is wrong when they return to the ladies?

Why do Aunt Alexandra and Scout pretend that nothing is wrong when they return to the ladies? Aunt Alexandra and Scout pretend nothing happened when they go back to the ladies because they don’t want the ladies to know so they don’t gossip about it.

Does Aunt Alexandra gossip?

In addition to that, she did not have the right to gossip about anything that Atticus told her in secrecy. “’Oh, Mrs. Perkins,’ [Aunt Alexandra] said, ‘you need some more coffee.

How was Aunt Alexandra welcomed into town?

When Aunt Alexandra arrives in Maycomb, ostensibly to take care of Jem and Scout during Atticus’ involvement with the Tom Robinson case, she immediately settles in “as if she had always lived with us… Maycomb welcomed her.” She left her husband, Jimmy, behind at Finch’s Landing, allowing her plenty of time to …

What does aunt Alexandra mean by a streak?

As Scout tells the reader, according to Aunt Alexandra, “Everybody in Maycomb, it seemed, had a Streak: a Drinking Streak, a Gambling Streak, a Mean Streak, a Funny Streak.” She also believes that a family’s goodness has less to do with the way the members conduct themselves and more to do with how long the family has …

How does Aunt Alexandra feel about Maycomb?

Expert Answers Aunt Alexandra makes it a point to fit into Maycomb’s social life. When she moves in with Atticus and the children, she tries to get them to acknowledge their family history, particularly with respect to their social position. Atticus is very liberal and honest with Jem and Scout.

How does Aunt Alexandra explain human behavior?

what is aunt Alexandra’s major theory concerning human behavior? that humans can be defined by genetic traits/streaks and by how long they’ve lived on their land. He says that would make the Ewells good people when they aren’t. Scout states there is a “caste system” in Maycomb.

Is Scout happy to have Aunt Alexandra?

Scout and Jem are not happy about their Aunt Alexandra coming to live with them. They accept Atticus’s decision to have Aunt Alexandra stay with them, but the kids are not thrilled about it. Atticus is not necessarily thrilled about it either, but he is the one that did ask for her presence.

Why does Aunt Alexandra think Scout dull?

Aunt Alexandra thinks that Scout is dull because she hasn’t had a woman’s influence in her life. Scout knows nothing of the way a lady should act in society. She disapproves of the way Scout acts and the things she says.

Why does Aunt Alexandra want to dismiss Calpurnia?

Aunt Alexandra tells Atticus that since she has moved in, they can dismiss Calpurnia. Aunt Alexandra prefers that the children are raised by a white woman and not a black woman. Atticus said that Calpurnia is already part of the family and the children see her as something close to mother.

Why does Aunt Alexandra not allow Calpurnia’s home?

Alexandra does not want Scout to visit Cal’s neighborhood because she is prejudiced regarding African Americans. Alexandra also believes Cal is a bad influence on Scout and feels the Finch family should distance itself from the African American community in the wake of the Tom Robinson trial.

How does Aunt Alexandra feel about Calpurnia explain?

Aunt Alexandra feels that Calpurnia isnt needed anymore since she’s there. She want to be the influence in the kid’s eyes, not a “black” nanny. 14.2 Comment on Atticus’ explanation of rape. When Jem and Scout find out that Dill traveled all the way from home to come visit them, Jem goes and tells Atticus.

How does Aunt Alexandra fit into Maycomb society?

Aunt Alexandra, as Scout notes, fits perfectly into Maycomb society. Her prim and proper notions about how ladies ought to behave makes for much comedy between her and the rebellious, overall-wearing, tomboyish Scout. She is also disapproving of Scout’s mixing with people of lower class and with blacks.

Why does JEM openly Atticus?

Why does Jem openly defy Atticus and refuse to leave? Jem defies Atticus and refuses to leave in order to make sure Atticus does not get hurt. Atticus is affectionate towards Jem because he got himself hurt for Atticus.

What does Atticus do that shocks Jem and Scout on Sunday?

Atticus doesn’t think anything will happen, but the crowd has a pretty intense discussion about it from what Scout and Jem can hear. Then, on Sunday after dinner, Atticus gets a long extension cord with a light bulb on the end of it, bids the children good night, and takes the car.

What does Scout’s childish attempt at a conversation accomplish explain?

What does Scout’s childish attempt at conversation accomplish? She successfully diffuses the tension by engaging Mr. Cunningham in conversation and is responsible that no violence occurs outside the jail that night.

Why is it ironic that the men agree to talk in whispers?

This statement is ironic because even though the men were all there to hurt Tom and were against Atticus, they still respected Atticus because when he said to be quiet, they all started talking in whispers as to be obedient to him.

What does sickeningly comic mean?

The “sickening comic aspect” was the fact that the men listened to Atticus words but were determined to act regardless. They had enough respect for Atticus to lower their voices, but they didn’t have enough respect to leave.