
What is another word for to cover completely?

What is another word for to cover completely?

cover up, to cover completely; enfold.

What is the another word for cover?

What is another word for cover?

covering top
cap lid
hood roof
seal stopper
canopy plug

What is a word for all encompassing?

synonyms: across-the-board, all-embracing, all-inclusive, blanket, broad, encompassing, extensive, panoptic, sweeping, wide comprehensive, overarching. including all or everything.

What is a word for someone who is good at everything?

A polymath (Greek: πολυμαθής, polymathēs, “having learned much”)1 is a person whose expertise spans a significant number of different subject areas; such a person is known to draw on complex bodies of knowledge to solve specific problems.

What are the 5 synonyms of delimitation?

Synonyms of delimit

  • bound,
  • circumscribe,
  • define,
  • demarcate,
  • demark,
  • limit,
  • mark (off),
  • terminate.

What is the meaning of compas?

1 : a device having a magnetic needle that indicates direction on the earth’s surface by pointing toward the north. 2 : an instrument for drawing circles or marking measurements consisting of two pointed legs joined at the top by a pivot —usually used in pl.

What is the verb of comprehensive?

Full Definition of comprehend transitive verb. 1 : to grasp the nature, significance, or meaning of unable to comprehend what has happened.

Which is the best synonym for the word cover?

by morning a foot of snow covered the ground. Synonyms for cover. blanket, carpet, coat, overlay, overlie, overspread, sheet.

What is a synonym for bare, expose, uncover?

bare, expose, uncover. 4 to have (something) as a subject matter. this section of the book covers kitchen makeovers for the enterprising do-it-yourselfer. Synonyms for cover. concern, deal (with), pertain (to),

Are there any synonyms for the word completely?

RELATED WORDS AND SYNONYMS FOR COMPLETELY. absolutely. adverb in a complete manner, degree. completely. consummately. entirely. fully. thoroughly. utterly. wholly. amply. adverb fully, sufficiently. abundantly. acceptably. adequately. appropriately. bountifully. capaciously. completely. copiously.

What is the meaning of a glass cover?

A glass covering, originally bell-shaped, for garden plants to prevent frost damage and promote early growth A cover over a lamp to either diffuse the light or to block it in certain directions so it doesn’t cause glare by shining directly in one’s eyes