
What is another word for reason why?

What is another word for reason why?

Reason Synonyms – WordHippo Thesaurus….What is another word for reason?

grounds cause
motive occasion
rationale basis
case goal
purpose aim

What is the new word of appropriate?

1 befitting, apt, felicitous, suited, proper, due, becoming, pertinent; meet.

What are appropriate words?

Some common synonyms of appropriate are apt, felicitous, fitting, fit, happy, meet, proper, and suitable. While all these words mean “right with respect to some end, need, use, or circumstance,” appropriate implies eminent or distinctive fitness.

What is the meaning of appropriate noun?

​the quality of being suitable, acceptable or correct for the particular circumstances.

What is another way of saying different?

Frequently Asked Questions About different Some common synonyms of different are disparate, divergent, diverse, and various. While all these words mean “unlike in kind or character,” different may imply little more than separateness but it may also imply contrast or contrariness.

What is an example of appropriate?

The definition of appropriate is to put aside or take something for one’s self or some other specific person. Stashing away a piece of cake for a friend is an example of to appropriate. Putting money aside for a vacation is an example of to appropriate. Appropriate is defined as something that is right for the purpose.

What is a good sentence for appropriate?

Appropriate sentence example. I didn’t think it appropriate to tell you who I was. He couldn’t have chosen a more appropriate song. If I want to sunbathe, I should buy appropriate clothing.

What is the example of cause?

Cause and effect is the relationship between two things when one thing makes something else happen. For example, if we eat too much food and do not exercise, we gain weight. Eating food without exercising is the “cause;” weight gain is the “effect.” There may be multiple causes and multiple effects.

Which cause or causes?

As nouns the difference between cause and causes is that cause is the source of, or reason for, an event or action; that which produces or effects a result while causes is .

What is a stronger word for different?

SYNONYMS. dissimilar, unalike, unlike, non-identical, contrasting, divergent, disparate, poles apart. incompatible, mismatched, inconsistent, opposed, at variance, at odds, clashing, conflicting, contradictory, contrary.

What can I write instead of the same?


  • alike.
  • corresponding.
  • dualistic.
  • duple.
  • duplex.
  • equal.
  • equivalent.
  • identic.

What’s the meaning of arrogate?

transitive verb. 1a : to claim or seize without justification. b : to make undue claims to having : assume.