What is another word for feeling useless?

What is another word for feeling useless?

1 fruitless, profitless, valueless, worthless, inutile. Useless, futile, ineffectual, vain refer to that which is unavailing.

What is it called when you do something good for someone?

The definition of altruism is the unselfish regard for or devotion to the welfare of others. In other words, doing something for someone else with no expectation of anything in return. The research shows generosity has benefits for the giver as well as the receiver.

What does it mean when someone feels bad?

feel bad. Also, feel bad about. Experience regret, sadness, embarrassment, or a similar unpleasant emotion. For example, I feel bad about not attending the funeral, or The teacher's scolding made Bobby feel bad. [

What is a word for feeling happy and sad at the same time?

Saudade describes both happy and sad at the same time, which is most closely translated to the English saying 'bitter sweet'.