What is another word for equality?

What is another word for equality?

SYNONYMS FOR equality 1 equivalency, parity, correspondence, sameness; justice, fairness, impartiality.

What is the root word of equality?

Equality differs from equity in that it relates more to sameness or equal distribution. The root word that they share is aequus (pronounced \EYE-kwus\), meaning “even” or “fair” or “equal.” That word led to the direct antecedents of our English words: equity is from the Latin aequitas, and equality is from aequalitas.

What are the characteristics of equality?

Protected characteristics Find out more about the characteristics that the Equality Act protects. These are age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation.

Is an essential feature of equality?

Thus Equality stands for 3 Basic Features: (a) Absence of special privileges in society. (b) Presence of adequate and equal opportunities for development for all. (c) Equal satisfaction of basic needs of all.

What are the 9 characteristics of equality and diversity?

Under the Equality Act, there are nine protected characteristics:

  • age.
  • disability.
  • gender reassignment.
  • marriage and civil partnership.
  • pregnancy and maternity.
  • race.
  • religion or belief.
  • sex.

What is the importance of equality and diversity?

Embracing diversity and providing equality goes a long way in promoting a work culture which values talent beyond stereotypes and helps people reach their potential by contributing their best beyond any prejudice. Moreover, an inclusive workplace fosters better productivity and efficiency.

How do you demonstrate equality and diversity?

Understanding Equality And Diversity In The Workplace

  1. Create a culture of fairness and inclusion.
  2. Offer all staff appropriate diversity and inclusion training.
  3. Identify and prevent unconscious biases.
  4. Make sure you’re compliant.
  5. Be aware of indirect discrimination.
  6. Diversity and equality in the recruitment process.
  7. Send a clear message.

What are the principles of equity in the workplace?

Equity in a workplace means everyone receives fair treatment. There’s a transparency to cause and effect, and everyone knows what to expect in terms of consequences and rewards. When equity exists, people have equal access to opportunities. It sets up an advantageous environment for both the employees and the employer.

How do you implement equity in the workplace?

Workplace Equity is all about making the employees feel empowered and level the playing field for every employee….2. Look into your data

  1. Recruitment data.
  2. Training data.
  3. Advancement data.
  4. Employee exit feedbacks.
  5. Employee engagement survey.

What is etiquette in the workplace?

Work etiquette is a code that governs the expectations of social behavior in a workplace. This code is put in place to “respect and protect time, people, and processes.” There is no universal agreement about a standard work etiquette, which may vary from one environment to another.

What is true equity?

“True” equity, in this article, means actually owning an equity interest in a company. …

How do you use the word equity?

Equity in a Sentence 🔉

  1. We do not have enough equity in our home to use it as collateral for a loan.
  2. With this final payment, we own one hundred percent of the equity in our cabin.
  3. In accounting, the owner’s equity is equal to the value of the assets once the liabilities have been subtracted.