What is another name for reindeer in North America?

What is another name for reindeer in North America?

Large hoofed animals belonging to the deer family, caribou and reindeer are actually the same species—Rangifer tarandus. There are differences between caribou and reindeer though. Caribou are native to North America, whereas reindeer are native to northern Europe and Asia.

Are there real reindeer?

Do reindeer exist? Yes, reindeer are real. They are also known as caribou (Rangifer tarandus). They are large members of the deer family, and they live in herds of up to a few hundred.

Where do reindeer live in North America?

Reindeer, (Rangifer tarandus), in North America called caribou, species of deer (family Cervidae) found in the Arctic tundra and adjacent boreal forests of Greenland, Scandinavia, Russia, Alaska, and Canada.