What is another name for an antelope?

What is another name for an antelope?

Aepyceros Melampus, nilgai, Saiga Tatarica, dik-dik, gazelle, addax, nylghai, saiga, Addax Nasomaculatus, Boselaphus Tragocamelus, gerenuk, Tragelaphus Eurycerus, steinbok, hartebeest, Boocercus Eurycerus, Raphicerus Campestris, topi, Hippotragus Niger, kudu, Mountain Nyala, puku, oryx, gnu, pasang, waterbuck, nylghau,

What are the different types of antelope?

Seven different kinds of antelopes: the gerenuk (Litocranius walleri), the impala (Aepyceros melampus), Thomson's gazelle (Gazella thomsonii), the common eland (Taurotragus oryx), the saiga (Saiga tatarica), the suni (Neotragus moschatus), and the blackbuck (Antilope cervicapra). Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc.

What is a small African antelope called?

The oribi (/ˈɔːrəbi/; Ourebia ourebi) is a small antelope found in eastern, southern and western Africa.

What is a African antelope called?

The Savanna grassland and rainforests of Africa continent is home to the largest species of antelopes,deer and wild goat. The most elegant antelope species in the Africa includes Eland ,Kudu, Nyala, Sable and Scimitar oryx, Grant's gazelle, Lechwe, Gerenuk, Topi, Hartebeest, Bontebok and Bongo antelope.