What is an animal that starts with an S?

What is an animal that starts with an S?

In total, there are at least 30 animals whose names begin with the letter “s.” These animals include the likes of storks, salmons, snakes, spiders, sea dragons, sea lions, sea urchins, the saber-toothed tiger, and many more.

What animals end with e?

Coyote, chimpanzee, Manatee, Anemone, antelope, ape, crocodile, eagle, gazelle, giraffe, goose, hare, horse, mole, mongoose, moose, mouse, porcupine, porpoise, rattlesnake, tortoise, turtle, vole, vulture, whale. Originally Answered: What is an animal whose name ends with the letter E?

How many animals begin with the letter E?

Read below for information on 21 different animals that start with the letter E, from eagles to emu. The most popular is the emperor penguin, the largest penguin species on earth.