What is a word for someone who only cares about themselves?

What is a word for someone who only cares about themselves?

Someone who is selfish cares only about themselves and doesn't consider others. Selfish combines the pronoun self-, meaning to or for yourself, with the suffix-ish, for "having the character of." So if your actions are selfish, they all have to do with getting something for yourself, like attention, or candy, or power.

What is a Sophomaniac?

sophomania (uncountable) A delusion of having superior intelligence.

What do you call a person that thinks they know everything?

noun. Someone who thinks he knows everything and refuses to accept advice or information from others. Synonyms. egotist egoist swellhead know-all.

What do you call a person who thinks they’re better than everyone else?

Conceited and arrogant are words typically used to describe people who have unjustifiably high opinions of themselves.