
What is a word for not understanding?

What is a word for not understanding?

A lack of interest, intelligence or understanding in a given topic or subject. blankness. bewilderment. confusion. incomprehension.

What is the opposite of understand in English?

Antonym of Understand

Word Antonym
Understand Misunderstand
Get definition and list of more Antonym and Synonym in English Grammar.

What is the opposite of lack of understanding?

unresponsiveness. lack of understanding and unresponsiveness. misapprehension misunderstanding. lack of understanding and misapprehension. misinterpretation misunderstanding.

What is the prefix opposite of understand?

The verb misunderstand adds the “bad” or “wrong” prefix mis- to understand, from an Old English root, understandan, that literally means “stand in the midst of.”

What do you call the uncertainty or lack of understanding?

Answer: uncertainty or lack of understanding. is what we called confusion. taffy927x2 and 40 more users found this answer helpful.

What does it mean when a person is obtuse?

Obtuse, which comes to us from the Latin word obtusus, meaning “dull” or “blunt,” can describe an angle that is not acute or a person who is mentally “dull” or slow of mind. The word has also developed a somewhat controversial sense of “hard to comprehend,” probably as a result of confusion with abstruse.

What is a synonym for a deeper understanding?

Synonyms. savvy self-knowledge appreciation brainstorm hold smattering grasping discernment hindsight apprehension comprehension realisation realization insight brainwave recognition grasp knowing. incomprehension dryness unsoundness decline comfort.

What are two synonyms for understanding?

  • insight.
  • perception.
  • knowledge.
  • intelligence.
  • sense.
  • awareness.
  • realization.
  • grasp.

How do you deal with lack of understanding?

I’m pleased to see that I’m not the only one frustrated with his blank lack of understanding. I simmered a bit and put her remark down to her lack of understanding of classic cars. But I don’t think that lack of understanding is a bad thing when it comes to God and his unendingness.

Is Ununderstandable a word?

Not understandable; that cannot be understood.

What’s a word for understanding?

The words appreciate and comprehend are common synonyms of understand. While all three words mean “to have a clear or complete idea of,” understand and comprehend are very often interchangeable, with understand sometimes stressing the fact of having attained a firm mental grasp of something.

How do you express lack of understanding?

How to express lack of understanding

  1. I beg your pardon?
  2. I beg your pardon, but I don’t quite understand.
  3. I’m not quite sure I know what you mean.
  4. I’m not quite sure I follow you.
  5. I don’t quite see what you mean.
  6. I’m not sure I got your point.
  7. Sorry, I didn’t quite hear what you said.
  8. Sorry, I didn’t get your point.

How do you show deep understanding?

Analyze Examine in detail the elements of a topic and how they relate to each other. Apply Make use of specific knowledge or concepts to solve a problem. Reflect Show new understanding of something by studying past experience. Generalize Draw a general conclusion from a number of facts.

What is a synonym for better understanding?

A greater level of understanding. awareness. insight. discernment. recognition.

What does the lack of understanding lead to?

Lack of understanding leads to a disconnect among people in differences. “The general lack of understanding leads to this inappropriate reaction and fear”. This lack of understanding leads to a lack of conversation.

Why there is no understanding in a relationship?

Most relationships fail not because of lack of understanding (as most psychologists make us believe), rather it is due to the deficiency of adequate empathy (emotional connection) between partners, colleagues, parents, siblings and all other relationships we can think of.

What does Inapprehensible mean?

inapprehensible in American English (ɪnˌæpriˈhɛnsəbəl ) adjective. that cannot be apprehended, or understood.

How do you clarify understanding?

When using clarification follow these guidelines to help aid communication and understanding.

  1. Admit if you are unsure about what the speaker means.
  2. Ask for repetition.
  3. State what the speaker has said as you understand it, and check whether this is what they really said.
  4. Ask for specific examples.