What is a synonym for Hunt?

What is a synonym for Hunt?

SYNONYMS. search, look, look high and low, scour around. seek, try to find. cast about, cast around, cast round, rummage, rummage about, rummage around, rummage round, root about, root around, fish about, fish around, forage about, forage around, ferret, ferret about, ferret around.

What does Hunt mean?

verb (used with object) to chase or search for (game or other wild animals) for the purpose of catching or killing. to pursue with force, hostility, etc., in order to capture (often followed by down): They hunted him down and hanged him. to scour (an area) in pursuit of game.

What does it mean to seek out something?

(tr, adverb) to search hard for and find a specific person or thingshe sought out her friend from amongst the crowd.