What is a small acting role called?

What is a small acting role called?

A bit part is a minor acting role with between one and five lines of dialogue. While the term originated in theatre, it's also commonly used across Hollywood in films and TV shows. A bit part can also be called an “under five” or a “five-or-less” (because the part usually consists of five or fewer lines of dialogue).

What is it called when actors make up their own lines?

IMPROVISATION: Acting done spontaneously and without a script; everything is made up on the spot. Often used in rehearsals to strengthen understanding of character.

What is a light musical drama called?

Operetta is a form of theatre and a genre of light opera, light in terms of both music and subject matter. It includes spoken dialogue, songs, and dances. Operetta as a genre lost favor in the 1930s and gave way to modern musical theatre.