What is a Skinner on a ranch?

What is a Skinner on a ranch?

a person who prepares or deals in skins or hides. a person who drives draft animals, as mules or oxen. the operator of a piece of heavy equipment used in clearing land or in construction work, as a tractor or bulldozer.

What are some of Slim’s character traits?

Slim is the “prince of the ranch.” He’s the consummate Western man: masterful, strong, fair-minded, practical, non-talkative, and exceptionally good at what he does. He is a god among men, and his word on any subject is law.

Why is slim the most respected man on the ranch?

So Slim is respected because of his skill but also because of his air of majesty which comes from being skilled and indispensable to the employer. He lives in the bunkhouse with the other men and uses the same kind of poor grammar, but he is undoubtedly the authority figure, both out in the fields and in the bunkhouse.

What is Curley’s view of his wife?

In Of Mice and Men, Curley and his wife are depicted as selfish, insecure individuals, who are not willing to work on their relationship and struggle to gain the upper hand in their marriage. Curley’s wife regrets marrying her husband and strives for attention by flirting with the workers on the ranch.

Why did George kill Lennie?

George killed lennie, because he did not want lennie to suffer at the hands of curley. Curley said that he would shoot him, if he found him. Slim was referring to locking Lennie up in a mental hospital. So George has always done what is best for Lennie, so he did it again.

Is Curley’s wife a villain or victim?

Curley’s wife is not a villain. Curley is also jealous and always rearing for a fight. George tells Lennie to keep away from Curley’s wife, because if they fight they are going to get fired. Curley’s wife is always looking around, trying to find her husband.

Is Curley’s wife manipulative?

Similarly, Curley’s wife is also a manipulator. She tells Lennie her story about wanting to become an actress, and about how lonely she is, manipulating Lennie into spending time with her. Just like with Eve, her actions have a tragic outcome.

Is Curley’s wife innocent?

Analysis Of Curley’s Wife In Of Mice And Men Curley’s wife is innocent and only wants someone to love her, for example, after she is killed, Steinbeck writes, ‘The meanness and the plannings and the discontent and the ache for attention were all gone from her face.

Why is Curley’s wife nameless?

Curley’s wife is never called by her own name as a way of depicting her lack of independence. By only referring to her as Curley’s wife, her identity is confined to the limited, dependent role she must play in her marriage.

Who found Curley’s wife dead?

Candy comes looking for Lennie in the barn and discovers the body of Curley’s wife. He fetches George, who knows exactly what has happened when he sees the body. Candy warns that Curley will lynch Lennie if they don’t let him get away.

How does Curley’s wife feel about being the only woman on the ranch?

It seems very clear from this chapter that Curley’s wife totally hates living on the ranch. She complains vigorously about life on the ranch when she is talking to Candy and Lennie. She hates being in a tiny little house with only Curley for company.

Who does candy blame for Curley’s wife’s death?


Who is to blame for Lennie’s death?

Lennie is at fault for his own death because he did not follow George’s orders. In conclusion Lennie is to blame for his own death. If Lennie would have listened to what George and did not talk to Curley’s wife George wouldn’t have had to kill him. Lennie was already causing too much damage killing animals and people.

What were Lennie’s last words?

“No, Lennie. I ain’t mad. I never been mad, an’ I ain’t now. That’s a thing I want ya to know.”

Who does candy blame and why is he so angry?

Whom does Candy blame for the murder? Why is he so angry at what has happened? Curley’s wife. Because her death kills the possibility of the dream he has with George and Lennie.

Why is candy so angry at the tragedy that has occurred?

Candy is filled with anger because with the woman’s death, all dreams of the farm have died, also. At first, he hopes that he and George can “get that little place,” but it quickly becomes clear to him that it will never happen.

Why is candy so upset by the death of Curley’s wife?

Candy is upset about the death of Curley’s wife because he thinks it’s the end of his dream to own a ranch with George and Lennie. He wants to pet Curley’s wife one day in the barn, along with the puppy he “petted” accidentally to death. When he walks in and finds Curley’s wife dead, he sees that dream threatened.

Why is candy so upset at the end of chapter 5?

Why is Candy so upset at the end of this chapter? Because of Lennie’s actions, Candy won’t be able to work or have the farm anymore.

What is Candy’s greatest fear?

Candy’s greatest fear is that once he is no longer able to help with the cleaning he will be “disposed of.” Like his old dog, he has lived beyond his usefulness. Candy and his dog parallel the relationship of George and Lennie.

How did Lennie’s puppy die?

In Chapter 5, Lennie accidently kills his puppy by being too rough with it. When Lennie is holding the dead puppy, he looks at it and says, “You ain’t so little as mice. He is upset at the puppy for dying. He does not take responsibility for being too rough with the puppy and begins to worry about George’s reaction.

Why is Lennie angry at the dead puppy?

Lennie gets upset and angry at his dead puppy because he thinks that when George finds out that George won’t let Lennie tend to the rabbits anymore. Lennie becomes angry at Curley’s wife because she keeps screaming and yelling and Lennie thinks George will hear and check on him.

What does Lennie killing the puppy foreshadow?

In Of Mice and Men, Lennie’s killing the puppy foreshadows his murder of Curley’s wife. It is the same love that Lennie has for soft things that makes the puppy’s fur and Curley’s wife’s hair so appealing.

What does Curley say when his wife dies?

You wasn’t no good. You ain’t no good now, you lousy tart.” And he goes on to lament the loss of what could have been, repeating “the old words” he had heard George tell Lennie: “If they was a circus or a baseball game…we would have went to her…

What does Lennie’s puppy symbolize?

Lennie’s puppy is one of several symbols that represent the victory of the strong over the weak. Lennie kills the puppy accidentally, as he has killed many mice before, by virtue of his failure to recognize his own strength. Like an innocent animal, Lennie is unaware of the vicious, predatory powers that surround him.

Would George ever get a piece of land?

Would George ever get a piece of land? No, he realized that it was just a dream that would never come true.

Why does Lennie kill the puppy and later the girl?

Lennie kills Curley’s wife because he ‘likes to pet soft things’. He is mourning the death of his puppy – also by his own hand – when Curley’s wife enters the barn. She tries to comfort him and allows him to stroke her hair which leads to him being overcome with he pleasure of the experience.

What did Slim do to four of his pups Why?

Slim reports that he drowned four of the puppies immediately because their mother would have been unable to feed them. Carlson suggests that they convince Candy to shoot his old, worthless mutt and raise one of the pups instead.

Why did Curley wear a glove with Vaseline?

Curley wears a “glove fulla Vaseline” on one hand because, according to Candy, “he’s keepin’ that hand soft for his wife.” Since farm work is physical and tough on a person’s hands, the Vaseline will prevent at least one of Curley’s hands from becoming chapped and rough—something he clearly believes his wife would find …

Who Shot Candy’s dog out of its misery?

In Chapter 3, we find out that Carlson kills Candy’s dog. While all the other men in the bunkhouse are playing games and laughing, Candy just lays on his bunk.

What does the boss suspect is going on when George won’t let Lennie talk?

The boss thinks that George is taking Lennie’s money (selling him out). He thinks this because George won’t let Lennie talk. He lies and says they’re cousins and that he promised his “old lady” that he would look after him. He keeps a glove full of Vaseline on it to keep it “soft” for his new wife.