What is a simile for cold?

What is a simile for cold?


Cold as loveless duty done. —Mary Louisa Anderson 1
Cold as a dog’s nose. —Anonymous 2
Cold as a frog. —Anonymous 3
Cold as a hot-water bag in the morning. —Anonymous 4
Cold as an enthusiastic New England audience. —Anonymous 5

What simile means?

Let’s use this example to understand what a simile is: A simile is a phrase that uses a comparison to describe. For example, “life” can be described as similar to “a box of chocolates.” You know you’ve spotted one when you see the words like or as in a comparison. Similes are like metaphors.

What is a simile for tree?

For example: A tree is as tall as a skyscraper. The city was like a beehive. These are similes, because they use the word “as” or “like”.

What is a metaphor in a sentence?

A metaphor is a word or phrase used to describe something as if it was something else. A metaphor isn’t a comparison – that’s a simile, where you say one thing is ‘like’ another (“Her eyes were like diamonds”). Take a look at the example of a metaphor in the speech bubble above.

Is personification and metaphor same?

Personification. Metaphor is a word or phrase that takes on the meaning of something else. Personification is a figure of speech that attributes human nature and characteristics to something that is not human—whether living or nonliving. …

Can a simile be a personification?

Similes mean a something that is like another something. Personification is when you make a thing, idea, or an animal do something only a human can do.

What is a simile in literature?

A simile is a figure of speech and type of metaphor that compares two different things using the words “like” or “as.” The purpose of a simile is to help describe one thing by comparing it to another thing that is perhaps seemingly unrelated.