What is a simile for chocolate?

What is a simile for chocolate?

Examples: METAPHOR: Chocolate is a gift from heaven (Compares chocolate to a celestial present). SIMILE: Chocolate is sweet like my baby. (Compares the sweetness of chocolate to “my baby.”)

What are some happy similes?

Happy az a dinner-bell. Happy as a May-pole. Happy as birds in the spring. Happy as a lark.

What is a simile for cloud?

You could say “A cloud collects water like a sponge” (a simile) and then “the clouds dump water like when you squeeze the sponge” (another simile).

What is a cloud metaphor?

Clouds get traction as a metaphor because they are shape-shifters, literally. As a result they can stand in for many varied cultural tropes. Clouds as metaphors pepper our language: every cloud has a silver lining, I’m on cloud nine, his head is in the clouds, there are dark clouds on the horizon.

What is a metaphor for kids?

A metaphor is a figure of speech that is used to make a comparison between two things that aren’t alike but do have something in common. A metaphor is very expressive; it is not meant to be taken literally. You may have to work a little to find the meaning in a metaphor.

What is a simile kid definition?

Kids Definition of simile : a figure of speech comparing two unlike things using like or as “Their cheeks are like roses” is a simile. “Their cheeks are roses” is a metaphor.

Can similes use as?

A simile (/ˈsɪməli/ ) is a figure of speech that directly compares two things. Although similes and metaphors are similar, similes explicitly use connecting words (such as like, as, so, than, or various verbs such as resemble), though these specific words are not always necessary.

Is so a simile?

While most similes use the connecting words “like” or “as” to establish the comparison they’re making, similes can use other words that create a direct comparison, including other connecting words (such as, “so” or “than”) or verbs of comparison (such as, “compare” and “resemble”).

What is a simile sentence?

Let’s use this example to understand what a simile is: A simile is a phrase that uses a comparison to describe. For example, “life” can be described as similar to “a box of chocolates.” You know you’ve spotted one when you see the words like or as in a comparison. Similes are like metaphors.

What is the simile of AS BAD AS?

A simile makes a direct comparison
as bad as the itch ( as a blight ) as blithe as May
as bald as a coot as blue as indigo ( as forget-me-nots )
as bald as a billiard ball as blunt as a hammer ( as the back of a knife )

What do you call a dirty house?

hovel. noun. a small and dirty or untidy house.

What means dirty?

dirty, filthy, foul, nasty, squalid mean conspicuously unclean or impure. dirty emphasizes the presence of dirt more than an emotional reaction to it.

How do you spell 30?


  1. being the ordinal number of thirty in counting order, position, time, etc: often written 30th.
  2. (as noun)the thirtieth of the month.

What is a ditty?

: an especially simple and unaffected song.

What is ditto in English?

transitive verb. 1 : to repeat the action or statement of. 2 : to copy (something, such as printed matter) on a duplicator. Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More about ditto.

What is Diddy Bop slang for?

Diddy bop bopped its way into military slang by at least the Vietnam War. The US Marine Corps use it to describe a soldier who is incapable of marching in crisp formation.

Is a ditty a song?

A ditty is a little song or a simple tune. A ditty might be a simple nursery rhyme in song form, or even the theme song to your favorite TV show. Ditties are easy to learn, and fairly short and effortless to sing.

What’s a short song called?

Definition of ditty a short simple song (or the words of a poem intended to be sung)

What does ditto mean in slang?

It is used to express agreement with a statement instead of just repeating the same opinion. For example: If you and your friend are at a restaurant and your friend says “this food is awful”, you would say “ditto” to express that you agree with her.

What is a ditty bag?

: a bag used especially by sailors to hold small articles (such as needles and thread)