What is a short fast race called?

What is a short fast race called?

Sprinting is running over a short distance in a limited period of time. In athletics and track and field, sprints (or dashes) are races over short distances.

Is it better to run short and fast or long and slow?

It's best to do a little bit of both! Running short and fast, with breaks, works your anaerobic energy system, while running longer and more slowly works your aerobic system. It's important to exercise both systems in order to achieve overall progression in fitness.

Are short runs better than long runs?

But if you are going to run every day, shorter runs make sense, as you'll be less likely to get injured than if you do daily long runs. Shorter runs are not only easier to fit into a busy schedule, but are often underestimated for their effectiveness in burning calories and improving your health and fitness.

What is a good running pace?

You don't need to break into a run until you're going faster than 15 minutes per mile. Kastor says a new runner can shoot for 12 to 13 minute pace per mile as a good range to start off with, with walk breaks structured in.