What is a series of rulers from a single family called?

What is a series of rulers from a single family called?

What is a series of rulers from the same family or ethnic group is called? A series of rulers is calles a dynasty.

What is the term that describes a sequence of rulers from the same family?

a sequence of rulers from the same family, stock, or group: the Ming dynasty. the rule of such a sequence. a series of members of a family who are distinguished for their success, wealth, etc.

What is a dynasty in Egypt?

In Ancient Egyptian history, dynasties are series of rulers sharing a common origin. They are usually, but not always, traditionally divided into thirty-two pharaonic dynasties; these dynasties are commonly subdivided into "kingdoms" and "intermediate periods".

What was the greatest advantage of the Chinese written language?

What was the great advantage of the Chinese written language? Could learn language even if spoken was very different. The Chinese written language helped unify a large and diverse land and made control much easier. Chinese explanation for rebellion, civil war, and the rise of a new dynasty.