What is a secretor test?

What is a secretor test?

– A curious adult from Georgia If you're a secretor, it means that your ABO blood type (A, B, AB, or O) is not only in your blood, but also in other body fluids like saliva and mucus. Whether you're a secretor or not is caused by one particular gene, which you can figure out with DNA testing kits.

What percentage of the population are Secretors?

80 percentIn most populations, nearly 80 percent of people are secretors.

Can you get DNA from a non Secretor?

And one of the areas we discuss in detail is fingerprinting. But if someone is a non-secretor (non-secretors make up between 15% and 25% of the population), though they may leave some semblance of a fingerprint behind, there's usually not enough DNA/information within it to identify the criminal.

What does it mean when a man is a non Secretor?

A Secretor is defined as a person who secretes their blood type antigens into body fluids and secretions like the saliva in your mouth, the mucus in your digestive tract and respiratory cavities, etc. A Non-secretor on the other hand puts little to none of their blood type into these same fluids.