What is a rebus puzzle meaning?

What is a rebus puzzle meaning?

A rebus (/ˈriːbəs/) is a puzzle device that combines the use of illustrated pictures with individual letters to depict words and/or phrases. For example: the word "been" might be depicted by a rebus showing an illustrated bumblebee next to a plus sign (+) and the letter "n".

What is rebus puzzle example?

The rebus puzzle was sometimes like an equation, where you had to add letters and pictures together to come up with the words they were representing. Some examples of rebuses are: 2 = to or too, 4 = for, 8 = ate, R = are. F + (picture of an ear) = fear.

What does Ecnalg stand for?

glance backwards is used in Leet Puzzle. backwards glance. backwards glance is used in Leet. The word ecnalg is used in Leet, Puzzle meaning glance backwards,backwards glance.

What does III I over 00 mean?

The answer to this puzzle is circle under the eyes. II hints at eye. OO refer to the circles. The placement is so that the words are under the II are circles. Thus the answer is circle under the eyes.