What is a portfolio example?

What is a portfolio example?

A portfolio is a sample of your career related skills and experiences and should be presented in your own creative style. The following is typically included in a career portfolio: Example: Statement of Originality and ConfidentialityThis portfolio is the work of James Cook.

How many pages should a portfolio be?

How many examples of work should a design portfolio include? That's a tricky question, but you should aim to fill at least 20 pages of a physical folio, and at least 30 examples for an online space.

How should a portfolio look like?

Use samples that showcase your range of skills. Depending on your profession, your portfolio should include a wide variety of writing samples, photographs, images, project summaries or reports. If you don't have professional experience, consider using work from school, club or volunteer projects.

What do employers look for in a portfolio?

Employers love to see designers apply their skills in the every day, as it shows that your passion for solving problems with design extends beyond your 9-to-5 job. Having a living project's an incredible way to make an impression, especially since most of your peers will have portfolios full of fictional projects.