What is a performance medium?

What is a performance medium?

Definition of medium of performance. Medium of performance is the instrument(s), voice(s) and other participants (narrator, etc.) in musical resources as created or arranged. (

What does tone Colour mean?


What do all Brass instrument have in common?

Most brass instruments have valves attached to their long pipes; the valves look like buttons. When you press down on the valves, they open and close different parts of the pipe. You change the pitch and sound by pressing different valves and buzzing your lips harder or softer.

What do synthesizers do quizlet?

What do synthesizers do? controlled by a keyboard, that allows complete control over pitch, tone color, dynamics, and duration, and can generate limitless sounds and noises.

What do synthesizers do?

A synthesizer is an electronic instrument that uses some form of digital or analog processing to produce audible sound. As their name might suggest, most synthesizers seek to artificially reproduce (or synthesize) the sounds of acoustic instruments like those listed above.

What is the treble clef used for quizlet?

Used to indicate the notes in higher pitch ranges. Another name for the treble clef. The curl of the treble clef circles the line on which the note G is placed. Pronounced “base” clef. is used for notes in the lower pitch ranges.

What is written on a five line staff?

The staff (plural staves) is written as five horizontal parallel lines. Most of the notes of the music are placed on one of these lines or in a space in between lines. Extra ledger lines may be added to show a note that is too high or too low to be on the staff.

What’s another name for treble clef?

First, we will discuss the Treble Clef (also called the G Clef). The staff line which the clef wraps around (shown in red) is known as G. Any note placed on this line becomes G.

What are the 7 Clefs?

Soprano clef†

  • soprano clef.
  • mezzo-soprano clef.
  • alto clef.
  • tenor clef.
  • baritone clef.

What note is below the staff?

Those below the staff are the lower notes, while those above are higher notes. As a beginner, the first leger line you should learn is middle C. On the grand staff, middle C is located between the treble and bass staff, as shown in the diagram on the right.

Do Re Mi Do staff?

Do, Re, Mi etc… are called “solfege” syllables. If Do is in the first space of the staff, all notes in the first space are Do. If Do is in the first space, Re is on the 2nd (or next) line. If Do is in the first space, Mi is in the 2nd space.

What do musical symbols mean?

Musical symbols are marks and symbols in musical notation that indicate various aspects of how a piece of music is to be performed.

How do you read sheet music symbols?

A sharp, denoted by the ♯ symbol, means that note is a semitone (or half step) higher than the note head to its right on sheet music. Conversely, a flat, denoted by a ♭ symbol, means the note is a semitone lower than the note head to its right.

What are the kinds of notes?

We’re going to learn four types of notes and rests; whole, half, quarter and eighth.

What note has 3 beats?

half note

What are the kinds of rest answer?

The Different Types Of Rests In Music

  • Semibreve Rest (Whole Note Rest)
  • Minim Rest (Half Note Rest)
  • Crotchet Rest (Quarter Note Rest)
  • Quaver Rest (Eighth Note Rest)
  • Semiquaver Rest (Sixteenth Note Rest)

What are the rest symbols in music?


American English British English Multiplier
Quarter rest Crotchet rest ​1⁄4
Eighth rest Quaver rest ​1⁄8
Sixteenth rest Semiquaver rest ​1⁄16
Thirty-second rest Demisemiquaver rest ​1⁄32

What is the difference of note and rest?

Notes and rests are musical symbols on a staff that designate when to play and when to not play. Notes on a staff represent what pitch to play and for how long. Rests are musical symbols used to designate when to pause and not play.

How much is a rest worth in music?

Like notes, each rest in music is allotted a certain amount of time. This time is measured in beats. A whole rest gets 4 beats, a half rest gets 2 beats, and a quarter rest gets 1 beat.

How many beats are 4 sixteenth notes?

one beat

What is the value of dotted rest?

A dotted half rest equals a half rest plus a quarter rest. A note, or rest can have more than one dot. If a note has two dots the first one adds half of the note value, and the second one adds half of the first dot. A half note that has two dots is the same things as a half note + a quarter note + an eighth note.

What is the symbol of sixteenth rest?

Notes and restsEdit

Symbol Unicode entity Unicode result
Quarter rest 𝄽 𝄽
Eighth rest 𝄾 𝄾
Sixteenth rest 𝄿 𝄿
Thirty- second rest