What is a password clue?

What is a password clue?

A reminder of how a password was derived. In order to jog the user’s memory, some login systems allow a hint to be entered, which is displayed each time the password is requested. For example, if the password contains the date of someone’s birthday, one might enter the name of the person as the hint.

What is game password?

The goal of the game Password is to get your partner to guess the password by giving him a one word and only one word clue. Divide yourself into 2 teams Team A and Team B. In each round one of the members from each team will be given a password.

What is another word for password?

What is another word for password?

countersign watchword
signal identification
key keyword
pass passcode
phrase PIN

What are some good passwords to use?

How You Can Create a Secure Password

  • Do use Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) whenever possible.
  • Do use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, symbols and numbers.
  • Don’t use commonly used passwords such as 123456, the word “password,” “qwerty”, “111111”, or a word like, “monkey”.

What is a bank vault called?

Noun. Impenetrable vault. safe-deposit box. coffer.

What is vault mean?

1 : a room or compartment for storage or safekeeping. 2 : something like a vast ceiling the vault of sky. 3 : an arched structure of stone or concrete forming a ceiling or roof. 4 : a burial chamber.

What is another word for repository?

What is another word for repository?

storehouse depository
bank cache
container repertory
safe storage
storeroom emporium

What is an example of a repository?

A building where weapons are stored is an example of a repository for weapons. An area where there are vast amounts of diamonds is an example of a place where there are repositories of diamonds. A person who has extensive details on his family’s history is an example of a repository of information.

What does repository mean?


How do you create a repository?

A new repo from an existing project

  1. Go into the directory containing the project.
  2. Type git init .
  3. Type git add to add all of the relevant files.
  4. You’ll probably want to create a . gitignore file right away, to indicate all of the files you don’t want to track. Use git add . gitignore , too.
  5. Type git commit .

How do you commit in Git?

Saving changes with a commit First, you need to stage the file with git add , then you can commit the staged snapshot. This command will add hello.py to the Git staging area. We can examine the result of this action by using the git status command. # with ‘#’ will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.

What is a code repository used for?

What is Code Repository Software? A source code repository, or simply code repository, is essentially a file archive and web hosting facility where programmers, software developers, and designers store large amounts of source code for the software and/or web pages for safekeeping.

What are repositories used for?

A data repository is a centralized place to store and maintain data. A repository can consist of one or more databases or files which can be distributed over a network. Data repositories are often managed by data curation personnel who ensure that files are managed and preserved for the long-term.

What are different types of repositories?

There are exactly two types of repositories: local and remote: the local repository is a directory on the computer where Maven runs.

What is a repo coding?

In software development, a repository is a central file storage location. It is used by version control systems to store multiple versions of files. This may include multiple source code files, as well as other resources used by the program. Branches are used to store new versions of the program.

How do repositories work?

A repository is usually used to organize a single project. Repositories can contain folders and files, images, videos, spreadsheets, and data sets – anything your project needs. We recommend including a README, or a file with information about your project.

How do I start Git?

An Intro to Git and GitHub for Beginners (Tutorial)

  1. Step 0: Install git and create a GitHub account.
  2. Step 1: Create a local git repository.
  3. Step 2: Add a new file to the repo.
  4. Step 3: Add a file to the staging environment.
  5. Step 4: Create a commit.
  6. Step 5: Create a new branch.
  7. Step 6: Create a new repository on GitHub.
  8. Step 7: Push a branch to GitHub.

What is a private Git repository?

The purpose of private repositories is to save your code without having it in the open. Such as programs that are proprietary for you at the moment and that you don’t want to share. Effectively it’s just a place to back-up your private code in a remote repository.

How do I install Git?

Steps For Installing Git for Windows

  1. Download Git for Windows.
  2. Extract and Launch Git Installer.
  3. Server Certificates, Line Endings and Terminal Emulators.
  4. Additional Customization Options.
  5. Complete Git Installation Process.
  6. Launch Git Bash Shell.
  7. Launch Git GUI.
  8. Create a Test Directory.

Why Git is not recognized in CMD?

After installation, open the GitHub app and on the top right corner you’d notice a setting icon. Select Options from the dropdown and choose “Default Shell” as Cmd. Now try typing ‘git shell’ in the search (windows key and type) and choose Git Shell. It should open up in CMD and git should now be recognized.

Does Git have a GUI?

A number of Git GUI clients for a variety of operating systems, including Android, iOS, Mac, Linux, and Windows are available today. Git is one of the best and most preferred version control system (VCS) available.

What is git bash?

Git Bash is an application for Microsoft Windows environments which provides an emulation layer for a Git command line experience. Git Bash is a package that installs Bash, some common bash utilities, and Git on a Windows operating system.

Should I use Git Bash or CMD?

Git CMD is just like regular Windows command prompt with the git command. Git Bash emulates a bash environment on windows. It lets you use all git features in command line plus most of standard unix commands. Useful if you are used to Linux and want to keep the same habits.

Is git bash better than Powershell?

Powershell is a Windows-native shell program (runs only on Windows) that is much more powerful than bash (the actual shell in Git Bash) but a bit harder to learn and use because it is more sophisticated.

How do I configure git?

Configure your Git username/email

  1. Open the command line.
  2. Set your username: git config –global user.name “FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME”
  3. Set your email address: git config –global user.email “[email protected]

How do I push a git command?

Using Command line to PUSH to GitHub

  1. Creating a new repository.
  2. Open your Git Bash.
  3. Create your local project in your desktop directed towards a current working directory.
  4. Initialize the git repository.
  5. Add the file to the new local repository.
  6. Commit the files staged in your local repository by writing a commit message.

How do I pull code from Git?

How it works. The git pull command first runs git fetch which downloads content from the specified remote repository. Then a git merge is executed to merge the remote content refs and heads into a new local merge commit. To better demonstrate the pull and merging process let us consider the following example.

What is a git tag?

Tags are ref’s that point to specific points in Git history. Tagging is generally used to capture a point in history that is used for a marked version release (i.e. v1. 0.1). A tag is like a branch that doesn’t change. Unlike branches, tags, after being created, have no further history of commits.