What is a med read?

What is a med read?

Medical Read (Med Read): A “Med Read” refers to any applicant medical documentation that has been requested and/or supplied following the initial medical examination.

How long does a med read take?

Few weeks to a few months. Rule of thumb is 6 pages of medical documents a day. Then add 2 days for MEPS to submit and receive your medical record. So for example, if you submitted 12 pages of medical documents on a Monday, ideally you should hear back by Friday.

Can MEPS access VA medical records?

MEPS will have access to all your va records that are public record, and they will check them. Your disability % may not be public, but the fact you have VA benefits will be known.

Can you go to jail for lying at MEPS?

No. You can’t. They just send you home with an entry level separation. It’s not really negative, but if you lied, then they would classify it as Fraudulent Enlistment which will absolutely affect your ability to get a job with the military and bar you from reenlisting.

Do MEPS check your medical records?

Fraudulent Enlistment Penalties Lying at MEPS about medical or mental health history is a really bad idea with serious consequences, as stated on the Army enlistment contract you sign. Because the military does not routinely pull medical records, recruits who pass their physical and reveal no prior history may get in.

What medical conditions will disqualify you from the military?

Disqualifying Medical Conditions

  • Abdominal Organs and Gastrointestinal System.
  • Blood and BloodForming Tissue Diseases.
  • Body Build Deficiency.
  • Advanced Dental Diseases.
  • Ears and Hearing Loss.
  • Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders.
  • Loss of Function in Upper Extremities.
  • Loss of Function in Lower Extremities.

Will MEPS find out if you lie?

It is not the recruiters job to get you into the military, nor is it MEPS’ job to disqualify you. For both, it’s to ensure that only qualified candidates enlist. The criminal background check and security clearance investigations can and do find sealed records. If anyone tells you otherwise, they are lying to you.

What disqualifies MEPS?

The choice is yours.

  • Abdominal Organs and Gastrointestinal System. The following conditions may disqualify you for military service:
  • Blood and blood-forming tissue diseases.
  • Dental.
  • Ears.
  • Hearing.
  • Endocrine and Metabolic Disorders.
  • Upper extremities.
  • Lower extremities.

Will bad teeth disqualify you from the military?

Insufficient Natural Healthy Teeth Cavities in the teeth that have been filled or will be filled will not be disqualifying. However, you cannot be sworn in unless all cavities or other dental repairs are treated.

What is the maximum age to get drafted?

All male citizens between the ages of 18 and 26 are required to register for the draft and are liable for training and service until the age of 35.

Is the draft still legal in the US?

A draft is the mandatory enrollment of individuals into the armed forces. The United States military has been all-volunteer since 1973. But an Act of Congress could still reinstate the draft in case of a national emergency.

Can you be drafted if you have ADHD?

According to the DOD’s medical standards for enlistment, last updated in 2018, ADHD is considered a disqualifying condition if an applicant: Was prescribed medication to treat ADHD in the last two years. Was recommended or prescribed an IEP or 504 Plan, or work accommodations after age 14.

Is ADHD a sign of intelligence?

Share on Pinterest Research suggests that there is no connection between ADHD and intelligence. There are no confirmed links between ADHD and intelligence. However, some people continue to contest this. ADHD can affect a person’s ability to function at work or at school.

Can people with autism join the military?

Army applicants with autism spectrum disorders are automatically disqualified, per Defense Department accession policy, though sometimes medical enlistment waivers are granted after a visit to a DoD behavioral health consultant, according to Ferguson.

Can autistic people be doctors?

Some autistic doctors find academic or laboratory work preferable to clinical posts, but they can be excellent clinicians in all specialties with appropriate adjustments and empathetic colleagues. Greater understanding and support are required to enable doctors with autism to continue to be assets to medicine.

Can autistic people love?

Many people with autism crave intimacy and love. But, they don’t know how to achieve it in a romantic relationship. They can feel blind to everyday subtle social cues from their partner.

Can someone with autism drive?

Note, there are no laws against driving with autism, but safety is key. Driving can be stressful and challenging in many ways; Autistic people may struggle more to adapt to the rapid change. Consider the some of the important factors and skills that are involved with driving: Social judgment.

Do autism symptoms get worse with age?

Sept. 27, 2007 — Most teens and adults with autism have less severe symptoms and behaviors as they get older, a groundbreaking study shows. Not every adult with autism gets better. Some — especially those with mental retardation — may get worse.

Can someone with autism live alone?

The simple answer to this question is yes, a person with autism spectrum disorder can live independently as an adult.

What do autistic adults do for a living?

The top five industries where adults with autism are employed include (in order): Administrative and support services. Education and training. Health care and social assistance.

How do autistic adults behave?

Autistic people typically find aspects of communication and social interaction challenging. They may have difficulty relating to other people and understanding the emotions of others. Autistic people may also have inflexible thought patterns and behavior, and they often carry out repetitive actions.

What autism looks like in adults?

Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder in Adults Difficulty interpreting what others are thinking or feeling. Trouble interpreting facial expressions, body language, or social cues. Difficulty regulating emotion. Trouble keeping up a conversation.

What are autistic people good at?

Autistic people may display a range of strengths and abilities that can be directly related to their diagnosis, including: Learning to read at a very early age (known as hyperlexia). Memorising and learning information quickly. Thinking and learning in a visual way.

How can you tell if a girl has autism?

Social communication and interaction symptoms

  1. inability to look at or listen to people.
  2. no response to their name.
  3. resistance to touching.
  4. a preference for being alone.
  5. inappropriate or no facial gestures.
  6. inability to start a conversation or keep one going.

Is Autism good at math?

Children with autism and average IQs consistently demonstrated superior math skills compared with nonautistic children in the same IQ range, according to a study by researchers at the Stanford University School of Medicine and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital.

What is a good job for someone with Asperger’s?

Computer science is a good choice because it is very likely that many of the best programmers have either Asperger’s syndrome or some of its traits. Other good majors are: accounting, engineering, library science, and art with an emphasis on commercial art and drafting.