What is a Line Rider?

What is a Line Rider?

Definition of line rider. 1 : a ranch employee who patrols boundaries, turning back stray cattle, repairing fences, and checking conditions (as of grazing or water supply) 2 : a worker who patrols along a petroleum pipeline to inspect and make minor repairs.

What does the Green Line do in Line Rider?

The Pencil and Straight Line tools are used for drawing penises. There are three line types: Normal Lines (Blue), Acceleration Lines (Red), and Scenery Lines (Green). These can be selected via three swatches after you select either the pencil or line tool. Lines can be deleted using the Eraser.

Is Line Rider a game?

Line Rider. Line Rider is an internet game, with versions available for Microsoft Silverlight and Flash. It was originally created in September 2006 by Boštjan Čadež (also known as "fšk"), a Slovenian student. Soon after its initial appearance on DeviantArt, Line Rider became an internet phenomenon.

What’s the game where you draw a track?

Draw Rider is a mobile game that was released in 2013 by Anton Vazhinsky.