What is a lame day?

What is a lame day?

Definition of lame day: unable to walk without difficulty as the result of an injury or illness affecting the leg or foot.

What is lame in texting?

Stupid, Unoriginal

What is a lame animal?

Lameness occurs when an animal has leg or foot pain that affects how they move. Lameness is an animal health and welfare concern, as well as a production issue. Lameness can be caused by genetics, environment, nutrition, injury, or infection. …

Is Lame the same as boring?

When used as nouns, boring means a pit or hole which has been bored, whereas lame means a stupid or undesirable person. When used as adjectives, boring means causing boredom, whereas lame means unable to walk properly because of a problem with one’s feet or legs.

What is a lame excuse?

A ‘lame excuse’ is an excuse of poor quality or lack of thought or an inappropriate excuse.

What is a lame excuse to change to assertive?

Answer:The excuse is very lame.

What are the most common excuses?

Here are 20 of the most common excuses people use that stop them from reaching their dreams:

  • I’m not destined to succeed.
  • I’m not motivated enough.
  • I’m too easily distracted by other things.
  • I’m not educated enough.
  • I can’t handle failure.
  • I will start tomorrow.
  • I’m not ready.
  • I don’t believe I can do it.

What is the most common excuse for not exercising?

Below are 10 of the most common excuses for NOT exercising and clever solutions to overcome those excuses.

  • EXCUSE #1: I’m too tired to exercise.
  • EXCUSE #2: I can’t afford a gym.
  • EXCUSE #3: I don’t have time.
  • EXCUSE #4: I need to be motivated to exercise.
  • EXCUSE #5: I don’t like to exercise alone.

What is considered an excuse?

An excuse is an explanation for why something is the way it is, that always involves the blame being put on someone or something that isn’t involved in the conversation, and not able to share their side of the story.

Why you should stop making excuses?

While some excuses might appear harmless, the truth is that every excuse you make takes you further away from reaching your full potential. What’s more, you’ll end up missing opportunities that you might never get back, as well as fail to build up talents and skills that could contribute to your growth and progress.

What’s a word for making excuses?

What is another word for make excuses for?

explain excuse
forgive pardon
acquit absolve
reprieve remit
unguilt let off

Why do people make excuses?

Excuses are rationalizations we make to ourselves about people, events, and circumstances. They are invented reasons we create to defend our behavior, to postpone taking action or simply as a means of neglecting responsibility.

What is the difference between reasons and excuses?

Reason implies that fault is sincerely recognized and accepted…. that you step up and take accountability for your actions. An excuse exists to justify, blame or defend a fault…with the intent to absolve oneself of accountability.

What to do when he keeps making excuses?

Instead of jumping to any conclusion, take a look at these tips and handle the situation better.

  1. Find out why he does that.
  2. Do the same thing and see how he likes it.
  3. Face up to the fact that he is not interested.
  4. Check on your behavior and attitudes.
  5. Don’t wait around helplessly.
  6. Let him know you don’t like it.

What is a reason?

1 : a statement given to explain a belief or an act My parents gave a reason for my absence. 2 : a fact that makes something right or fair to do I have reasons for what I did. 3 : cause entry 1 sense 1 The child wanted to know the reason for rain. 4 : the power to think and understand in a logical way.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of excuses?

Advantages are protected self-esteem, no depression and anxiety. It boosts the person. Excuse should be credible. The disadvantages are that one sees it as an easy path but at the same time it makes the person less reliable and credible.

How do you respond to excuses?

Here, then, are the five tips:

  1. Make sure the excuse is, in fact, phony.
  2. Understand where the excuse is coming from.
  3. Recognize that everyone, even you, makes excuses.
  4. Be tolerant of those who make excuses to you.
  5. Help the excuse-maker save face.

Where do excuses come from?

Uncertainty, self-doubt and fear are natural emotions when contemplating change but for some, these feelings can stop them from getting started at all. Instead of making changes they may subconsciously create excuses.

How do excuses hurt you?

If you use excuses to stop you from facing your fears such as fear of rejection or fear of making mistakes then you will hinder you possibility of success and thus remain stagnant. They are a lot of ways that the habit of making excuses have hurt you and you may not even know it.

Why do guys make up excuses?

It’s the same thing that anyone means when making excuses not to do something; they don’t want to hurt your feelings by saying that they just don’t want to hang out with you. This type of response from a guy should always be taken as a sign that he isn’t interested in you and you should just forget about him.

Is forgetting an excuse?

Yes. Because most often than not it is the real excuse. These are the excuses that I like. “I forgot.”

What to say when you forgot to reply?

Try something like this:

  1. Thank you so much for your thoughtful note last month! Also, my apologies for the slow reply; transitioning into this new role has been a little overwhelming, but I’m excited.
  2. Sorry for the delayed response.
  3. My sincere apologies for the slow reply; I’d hoped to get back to you sooner.

How do you apologize when you forget something?

John: To apologize, we can use phrases such as “I’m sorry” or “I apologize.” You can also use adverbs, such as “really,” “very,” and “so,” to show how sorry you are. Becky: Let’s give some sample sentences. John: “I forgot the meeting, I’m sorry,” and “I forgot that the deadline was yesterday. I’m really sorry.”

What is the word when you forget everything?

To be forgetful is to be absentminded. When you’re forgetful, things tend to slip your mind. People can be forgetful if they really can’t remember things, or if they’re just not paying attention. When you’re forgetful, you forget all kinds of things!

What is it called when you forget things easily?

The first sign of Alzheimer disease is an ongoing pattern of forgetting things. This starts to affect a person’s daily life. He or she may forget where the grocery store is or the names of family and friends. This stage may last for some time or get worse quickly, causing more severe memory loss and forgetfulness.

How do you ask a disabled person if they need help?

Just because someone has a disability, do not assume they need help. Do not give assistance without asking first if they want it. You can ask if the person would like help, but don’t ask repeatedly or qualify their response with “are you sure?” Respect someone’s choice even if it looks like they’re struggling.

Can you ask if someone has a disability?

You could ask the person if they need assistance due to them standing in the handicap line, because it is not illegal to ask them if they need special assistance.

What are some questions to ask a disabled person?

Interview questions You can only ask questions about how an applicant’s disability might relate to doing the job. You can ask how the workplace could be changed to help the applicant do the job. You can ask about how work hours or rosters could be changed to help the applicant be more productive.

Is it OK to ask someone about their disability?

2: “Can you tell me about your circumstances/disability?” As long as you accept “no” or silence as a reasonable response, it should be okay to ask. It’s entirely up to the person with a disability to decide if they’d like to engage on the issue or not.

How can you tell if someone has a disability?

Common signs that a person may have learning disabilities include the following:

  1. Problems reading and/or writing.
  2. Problems with math.
  3. Poor memory.
  4. Problems paying attention.
  5. Trouble following directions.
  6. Clumsiness.
  7. Trouble telling time.
  8. Problems staying organized.

How do you communicate with a disabled person?

Communicating with people with disabilities

  1. use a normal tone of voice—do not raise your voice unless asked to.
  2. be polite and patient—do not rush the conversation.
  3. speak directly to the person rather than the person with them.
  4. ask the person what will help with communication—there are different ways to communicate.

How do you communicate with a mental disability?

  1. SPEAK DIRECTLY. Use clear simple communications.

How can disabilities affect communication?

We do know that communication challenges are extensive within the intellectual disability field. Individuals frequently have difficulty expressing their needs, putting words to what they are experiencing, reading signs, being misunderstood or being heard.

How can you improve your communication skills?

How to Improve Your Communication Skills

  1. Practice active listening. Effective communicators are always good listeners.
  2. Focus on nonverbal communication.
  3. Manage your own emotions.
  4. Ask for feedback.
  5. Practice public speaking.
  6. Develop a filter.

How do you deal with learning disability?

Tips for dealing with your child’s learning disability

  1. Keep things in perspective. A learning disability isn’t insurmountable.
  2. Become your own expert.
  3. Be an advocate for your child.
  4. Remember that your influence outweighs all others.
  5. Clarify your goals.
  6. Be a good listener.
  7. Offer new solutions.
  8. Keep the focus.