What is a Kukla?

What is a Kukla?

Polish (also Kukla) and Czech: from kukla ‘cowl’, ‘hood’, ‘mask’, probably a nickname bestowed on an habitual wearer of a hood or perhaps a metonymic occupational name for a hood or cowl maker. In Polish kukla, kukla also means a kind of bread roll and a puppet. This surname is also found in German-speaking countries.

What does KEFE mean in Greek?

Kefi accurately captures Greek culture as I’ve experienced it. The word roughly translates to: the spirit of joy, passion, euphoria, enthusiasm, exuberance, frenzy.

What does MOU mean in Cyprus?

Memorandum of Understanding

What does Meraki mean in Greek?

Greek. meraki [may-rah-kee] (adjective) This is a word that modern Greeks often use to describe doing something with soul, creativity, or love — when you put “something of yourself” into what you’re doing, whatever it may be.

What does Pusti mean in Greek?

I am assuming you’re talking about the Greek phrase: The word pusti has an obscure definition. It has the same connotation as the English word fa*got. The word malaka literally means someone who masturbates a lot. However, the word has come to have a broader definition meaning son of a bi***.

Is OK a Greek word?

One theory: it came from the Greek phrase “ola kala,” which means all good. And then there’s the Choctaw word “okeh,” which sounds like and means okay. President Woodrow Wilson reportedly thought it was the “correct” spelling of the word, and would OK documents with “okeh.”

How do you pronounce the name Kala?

It’s my name, and no one ever pronounces it right….Pronounce Names.

Submitted from: Texas
Pronunciation: kay-luh Kay – how you say the letter K Luh -‘love’ without the ‘ve’
Upload the Wav/MP3 file Your browser does not support iframes.
Type of Name: First Name
Gender: Female

How do you pronounce Kala ukulele?

It is Kah-la. Delicious thrown right on the coals until papa’a on the outside skin. If pronounced with emphasis on second syllable (ka-laah) it means “the sun” as in Hale-a-ka-la house of the sun but this “la” referring to the deity sun god.

Are Kala ukuleles made in China?

To my knowledge most of the lower-priced KALA are made in China. If you have not purchased the uke, I would NOT recommend the “Satin” (the name refers to the finish on the wood).

What does the name ukulele mean?

The History of the Name Originally named machete, the small, guitar-like instrument was brought to Hawaii by Portuguese immigrants in the late 1800s and adapted the Hawaiian name ukulele. Uku means gift or reward, and lele means to come.

Why are ukulele strings out of order?

My understanding is the ukulele is descended from the Portuguese machete de braça and the rajuo, both small guitar-like instruments, both typically run with “out of order” tunings to facilitate a style of play popular in Portugal, playing both melody line and accompaniment at once.