What is a heiny?
What is a heiny?
A slang term for the buttocks. A derogatory term used for German soldiers that originated in World War I, short for Heinrich; also a crewcut haircut (from the stereotypical German soldier’s haircut)
Where does the word Heinie come from?
Heinie (n.) also Heine, Hiney, 1904 as a typical name of a German man, North American slang, from pet form of common German masc. proper name Heinrich (see Henry). Brought to Europe in World War I by Canadian soldiers (British soldiers called the adversary Fritz).
Is Hiney a bad word?
Hiney is a childish term for the buttocks (which is a technical word for the butt). Hiney is a euphemism, meaning it’s a substitute for a word (like the name of a body part) that may be considered impolite to say.
How do you spell honey?
noun, plural hon·eys. a sweet, viscid fluid produced by bees from the nectar collected from flowers, and stored in nests or hives as food.
How do you spell shiny?
Correct spelling for the English word “shiny” is [ʃˈa͡ɪni], [ʃˈaɪni], [ʃ_ˈaɪ_n_i] (IPA phonetic alphabet).
Is shinier a real word?
Shinier; superl. Shiniest.] Bright; luminous; clear; unclouded.
What makes hair shiny and glossy?
9 Tips to Shiny, Glossy Hair
- Start with a Clarifying Shampoo. Over-shampooing strips the natural oils out of your hair that make it healthy and strong.
- Pump Hair with Moisture.
- Blast It With Cold Water.
- Invest in a Hair Oil.
- Find the Right Brush.
- Finish Your Blow-dry on a Cool Setting.
- Top It Off with a Spray.
- Get Shiny Hair While You Sleep.
What is another word for shiny?
What is another word for shiny?
bright | lustrous |
sparkling | sparkly |
sunny | glittering |
sleek | resplendent |
scintillating | twinkling |
What are things that are shiny?
The 10 Best Shiny Objects of 2018
- 10) Daddy’s Keys.
- 9) Tinsel.
- 8) Wind Chimes.
- 7) A Collector’s Spoon Commemorating A Visit To Myrtle Beach.
- 6) Twix Wrapper.
- 5) A Restored 1957 Mustang Convertible We Saw In Myrtle Beach.
- 4) Pappy’s Gold Tooth.
- 3) Bumblebee.
How would you describe a shiny?
Shiny describes something with a smooth, glossy surface. If you want to see your reflection in the glass table, you’ll have to polish it to keep it shiny. Something shiny has a shine, a brightness that comes from reflecting light.
What does the word steadier mean in a sentence?
noun One who or that which steadies: as, he uses his cane for a steadier.
What is shiny and bright?
Show Definitions. Shiny adjective – Giving off or reflecting much light. Usage example: we could see our reflections in the shiny surface of the marble walls. Bright is a synonym for shiny in colour topic. You can use “Bright” instead an adjective “Shiny”, if it concerns topics such as light, dazzling, polished, glossy …
What is another name for bright?
SYNONYMS FOR bright 1 radiant, refulgent, effulgent, lustrous, lucent, beaming, lambent. 4 keen, discerning, sharp, sharp-witted, ingenious, clever.
Is intelligent a synonym for bright?
SYNONYMS FOR intelligent 1 bright. 2 astute, clever, alert, bright, apt, discerning, shrewd, smart.
Is bright a homonym?
Bright also refers to a condition. It is the opposite of dark. Thus ‘bright’ is a homonym with two multiple meanings.
What is a blazing?
1 : burning very brightly and intensely a blazing fire. 2 : of outstanding power, speed, heat, or intensity blazing eyes a blazing fastball blazing gunfire.
What does blazing mean in slang?
Smoking Weed
What is a blazing fire?
A raging fire is blazing and you can also say other types of shining, like with talent, are types of blazing. Fire, when it’s going strong and burning bright, is blazing. The greater the blaze, the harder a fire is to put out. You can also use this word for other types of brightness or shining.
What does blazing away mean?
blaze away – perform (an acting passage) brilliantly and rapidly; “Mr. Jones blazed away in one passage after another to loud applause” performing arts – arts or skills that require public performance.
What does blazed up mean?
To suddenly gain strength and burst forth, as of a fire. This phrase can be used to describe a literal blaze or any worsening situation. I thought I had contained the fire, but when the flames blazed up again, I called the fire department.
What type of word is blazing?
adjective. burning brightly and with great heat, force, etc. of tremendous intensity or fervor: a performance of blazing ferocity.
What is the meaning of Blaze it up?
What is a blaze in geography?
The purpose of a trail marker (or blaze) is to help hikers follow a given path. It is used to indicate things such as the beginning and end of a trail, a change of direction or an intersection.