What is a good simile for empty?

What is a good simile for empty?


Empty as a bird’s nest in December. —Anonymous 1
Empty as a politician’s address to the people. —Anonymous 2
Empty as a quill. —Anonymous 3
Empty of expression as a squeezed sponge of water. —Anonymous 4
Empty as Vanity Fair. —Anonymous 5

What are things that are empty?

Name something that you empty.

  • the bin.
  • the dishwasher.
  • school bags.
  • inbox.
  • fuel tank.
  • dryer.
  • bags in general.
  • letter box.

What does the word empty mean?

Adjective. empty, vacant, blank, void, vacuous mean lacking contents which could or should be present. empty suggests a complete absence of contents. an empty bucket vacant suggests an absence of appropriate contents or occupants.

Is Empty an adverb or adjective?

empty (adjective) empty (verb) empty (noun) empty–handed (adjective)

What’s a word for feeling empty?

16 Answers. TFD – sad or lonely, especially from being deserted or abandoned. MW – bereft, forsaken. “left quite forlorn of hope”.

What is the opposite of poor?

What is the opposite of poor?

rich abundant
thick liberal
copious adequate
enough plenty
substantial satisfactory

What is the meaning of poorest?

1. Having little or no money or wealth: beggarly, destitute, down-and-out, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, necessitous, needy, penniless, penurious, poverty-stricken. Informal: broke, strapped.

What is the strongest word for poor?


  • needy,
  • pauperized,
  • penniless,
  • penurious,
  • poverty-stricken,
  • skint.
  • [chiefly British],
  • threadbare.

What do you call a poor person?

1 needy, indigent, necessitous, straitened, destitute, penniless, poverty-stricken.

How do you say poor people nicely?

4 Answers. Indigent is a formal word to name poor people. Indigent(adj.) needy; poor; impoverished.

Who are the poorest of the poor?

Womankind, female new-borns and old people are said to be the poorest of the poor. Within a poor family, such individuals suffer more than the others. As per the fact, they are systematically denied equal access to the resources available to the family.

Why are there poor people?

This might seem like a no-brainer: Without a job or a livelihood, people will face poverty. Dwindling access to productive land (often due to conflict, overpopulation, or climate change) and overexploitation of resources like fish or minerals puts increasing pressure on many traditional livelihoods.

What are the 3 types of poverty?

However you define it, poverty is complex; it does not mean the same thing for all people. For the purposes of this book, we can identify six types of poverty: situational, generational, absolute, relative, urban, and rural. Situational poverty is generally caused by a sudden crisis or loss and is often temporary.

What are the 5 causes of poverty?

What are the causes of poverty? Explain in at least 5 points

  1. Increase rate of rising population:
  2. Less productivity in agriculture:
  3. Less utilization of resources:
  4. A short rate of economic development:
  5. Increasing price rise:
  6. Unemployment:
  7. Shortage of capital and able entrepreneurship:
  8. Social factors:

Why are poor countries poor?

It is widely accepted that countries are poor because their economies don’t manage to grow sufficiently. Instead, countries are poor because they shrink too often, not because they cannot grow – and research suggests that only a few have the capacity to reduce incidences of economic shrinking.

Who is the poorest person alive?

Jerome Kerviel

What is the poorest country in Europe?
