What is a good rapport?

What is a good rapport?

Rapport is a connection or relationship with someone else. It can be considered as a state of harmonious understanding with another individual or group. Building rapport is the process of developing that connection with someone else.

What is the example of rapport?

Rapport is a positive relationship between people. An example of rapport is a student-teacher relationship built on mutual respect. Relationship, especially one of mutual trust or emotional affinity.

What is the meaning of legit in Tagalog?

binti ito

What is basher in Tagalog?

One who bashes something, figuratively or literally.

What is legit in English?

(lədʒɪt ) adjective [usually verb-link ADJECTIVE] If you describe a person or thing as legit, you mean that they are in accordance with the law or with a particular set of rules and regulations.

What does Ligit mean?


What does it mean to sound out?

: to try to find out the opinions of someone by asking questions They sounded me out on the idea.

What does it mean to sound someone sexually?

Urethral sounding is the insertion of an object or liquid into the urethra. Whereas sounding for medical treatment typically involves the use of sterile metal or plastic dilators, a variety of objects and liquids may be used for the purpose of recreational sounding.

What are sounding words called?

Phonetic reading and writing is a behavior the child exhibits that involves “sounding out” words the way they are written or writing words the way they sound (again, relating to the way letters represent speech sounds).

What does it mean to sound someone?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary Englishsound somebody/something ↔ out phrasal verb to talk to someone in order to find out what they think about a plan or idea He sounded people out and found the responses favourable. about I wanted to sound her out about a job that I’m thinking of applying for.

Is sounding safe?

However, one recent survey study associated recreational sounding with general high-risk behaviors and increased risk of STIs. Additional complications can include bleeding, infection, urethral stricture, perforation, and erectile dysfunction.

What does sound mean British slang?

(Britain, slang) Yes; used to show agreement or understanding, generally without much enthusiasm. I found my jacket.

What does sound travel fastest through?

Sound waves can be described by the wavelength and frequency of the waves. Sound travels more quickly through solids than through liquids and gases because the molecules of a solid are closer together and, therefore, can transmit the vibrations (energy) faster.

What are the 3 types of sound?

Sound can be of different types—soft, loud, pleasant, unpleasant, musical, audible (can be heard), inaudible (cannot be heard), etc. Some sounds may fall into more than one category. For instance, the sound produced when an aeroplane takes off is both loud and unpleasant.

Who is faster light or sound?

The speed of light as it travels through air and space is much faster than that of sound; it travels at 300 million meters per second or 273,400 miles per hour.

Can sound waves travel in vacuum?

Sound waves are travelling vibrations of particles in media such as air, water or metal. So it stands to reason that they cannot travel through empty space, where there are no atoms or molecules to vibrate.

Does sound travel if there is no medium?

Sound needs a material medium for their propagation like solid, liquid or gas to travel because the molecules of solid, liquid and gases carry sound waves from one point to another. Sound cannot progress through the vacuum because the vacuum has no molecules which can vibrate and carry the sound waves.

Does sound ever stop traveling?

Sound cannot travel through empty space; it is carried by vibrations in a material, or medium (like air, steel, water, wood, etc). As the particles in the medium vibrate, energy is lost to heat, viscous processes, and molecular motion. So, the sound wave gets smaller and smaller until it disappears.

Is sound a transverse wave?

Transverse Waves – Transverse waves move with oscillations that are perpendicular to the direction of the wave. Sound waves are not transverse waves because their oscillations are parallel to the direction of the energy transport.

What are the 7 types of waves?

The EM spectrum is generally divided into seven regions, in order of decreasing wavelength and increasing energy and frequency. The common designations are: radio waves, microwaves, infrared (IR), visible light, ultraviolet (UV), X-rays and gamma rays.

Does light travel in transverse waves?

Light is another example of a transverse wave, where the oscillations are the electric and magnetic fields, which point at right angles to the ideal light rays that describe the direction of propagation. Transverse waves are contrasted with longitudinal waves, where the oscillations occur in the direction of the wave.

Is sound a transverse or longitudinal wave?

Sound waves in air (and any fluid medium) are longitudinal waves because particles of the medium through which the sound is transported vibrate parallel to the direction that the sound wave moves. A vibrating string can create longitudinal waves as depicted in the animation below.