What is a good excuse to come into work late?

What is a good excuse to come into work late?

Being tired and forgetful round out the top five reasons for being tardy. Other excuses that work well include having an appointment, a sick child, a school delay, car trouble, mass transit delays, a family emergency or illness, house problems, or waiting for a service person for repairs.

What is the most frequent excuse given for being late?

Traffic is the number one reason employees give for being late for work, a new CareerBuilder survey reveals. Traffic is by far the most common reason given by tardy employees, but it is hardly the most creative excuse in a new national survey by CareerBuilder.

What is a good excuse to be late for school?

Believable Excuses I witnessed a horrible accident and people were injured. I had to call 911 and wait for the police, since I was a witness. The power went out sometime in the middle of the night, and my alarm clock didn't go off. My aunt (or any other relative) got really sick and I had to drive her to the hospital.

Is traffic an excuse for being late?

Real reasons employees are late for work Traffic is the most common culprit for lateness, according to CareerBuilder's data. Nearly half of those surveyed said traffic is the reason they can't make it to work on time. Employers said they have heard far stranger excuses for not being on time.