What is a foxhole buddy?

What is a foxhole buddy?

noun. informal US Military. A person with whom one shares a foxhole; (in extended use) a close friend or ally.

What is the purpose of a foxhole?

A foxhole is one type of defensive strategic position. It is a “small pit used for cover, usually for one or two personnel, and so constructed that the occupants can effectively fire from it”. It is known more commonly within United States Army slang as a “fighting position” or as a “ranger grave”.

Why do soldiers dig foxholes?

Basically foxholes provide cover (protection) by putting the ground between the soldier and the shrapnel. Some of the shells were designed to explode in the air.

How do you dig a fox hole?

1: Choose a flat, level area that’s semi-elevated. 2: Mark out a rectangular area approximately 2.5′ by 6′. 3: Dig until the hole is about chest deep, placing the excess dirt in an even berm around the lip of the hole. 4: Add a trench in the center of your hole, perpendicular to the long side, about 6″ wide by 1′ deep.

How deep is a military foxhole?

about 18 inches

What is a hasty fighting position?

HASTY FIGHTING POSITION It should be behind whatever cover is available. It should give frontal cover from enemy direct fire but allow firing to the front and the oblique. The term hasty does not mean that there is no digging. If there is a natural hole or ditch available, use it.

What is a Ranger grave?

A shell scrape, also referred to as a “shallow grave” or “ranger grave”, is a type of military earthwork both long and deep enough to lie flat in. This way a soldier can sleep in his shell scrape more comfortably with cover overhead.

What is a supplementary fighting position?

Supplementary fighting positions are secondary positions that do not cover the same sector of fire as the primary position. Supplementary positions provide security by protecting against attacks from directions other than those covered by primary positions.

What is an FPL army?

Final protective fire refers to a tactical plan for a military unit, set up in support of the infantry, to protect itself against overwhelming attack. Normally, the FPF is within 200 to 400 meters of friendly positions (known as “danger close”) and is integrated into the final protective line of the maneuver unit.

What are the three rates of fire?

There are three different measurements for the rate of fire: cyclic, sustained, and rapid.

What is the difference between deflection and direction Army?

Range and deflection are measured from a firing unit to a target. Direction and distance are measured from an observer to a target.

What information is recorded on a range card?

“A range card is a sketch or diagram of the terrain that a weapon is assigned to cover by fire. It shows possible target areas and terrain features plotted in relation to a firing position.

What is a range card golf?

This is like a customer rewards program without you having to do anything! No tracking, no punch cards, just pure up-front savings. There is NO FEE to get a range card, just come in the Range Shop located on the south side of the driving range and we’ll get you started.

What would you use for a target reference point TRP?

A target reference point (TRP) is an easily recognizable point on the ground (natural or manmade) used to initiate, distribute, and control fires. The company or battalion designates TRPs, and platoon and squad leaders should also designate TRPs.

How are sector limits drawn on a range card?

a. Draw the weapon symbol in the center of the small circle. Draw two lines from the position of the weapons system extending left and right to show the limits of the sector (Figure H-1). The area between the left and right limits depicts the gunner’s sector of fire or area of responsibility.

What is a PDF on a range card?

DATA SECTION. PARTS TO A RANGE CARD. – there are two types of range cards: the final protective line(FLP), and the principle direction of fire(PDF) – the second section is the data section. – a range card has two parts: one is a sketch section and the other is a data section.

What is a sector sketch?

A sketch or diagram of the terrain that a weapon is assigned to cover by fire. It shows possible target areas and terrain features plotted in the relation to a firing position. When combined they make a sector sketch and the PL can create a layout of the area they’re operating in.

What is the intended purpose for the wedge formation?

The wedge formation has the following characteristics, advantages, and limitations: It permits excellent fires to the front and good fires to the flanks. It is easy to control. It provides good security to the flanks.

What are target reference points?

The Target Reference Points, TRP are BRP defined as the level of fishing mortality or of the biomass, which permit a long-term sustainable exploitation of the stocks, with the best possible catch. They can be characterized as the fishing level Ftarget (or by the Biomass, Btarget).

What is a linear target?

A linear target is designated on the target list by two grids or by a center grid, length, and attitude. Rectangular Target. A rectangular target is wider and longer than 200 meters.

What are direct fire control measures?

Fire Control Measures. Fire control measures assist the commander in controlling direct fires on the objective. Fire control measures are used to coordinate fires on enemy positions and prevent fratricide as friendly troops advance on enemy positions.

What are graphic control measures?

Graphic control measures are an essential component of a ground tactical plan. They facilitate shared understanding by creating a common language used to depict time and space.

What does lift fire mean?

In direct fire

What is a fire support plan?

Fire support planning is the continuous and concurrent process of analyzing, allocating and scheduling fire support to integrate it with the maneuver forces and maximize combat power. Plan the minimum targets necessary to support the scheme of maneuver. Use the most effective fire support means.

What does Ttlodac stand for?


Term What Does TTLODAC Stand for? Definition TGT #, Trigger, Location, Observer, Delivery System, Attack Guidance, Communication.
Term What does TPEA stand for? Definition Task-Purpose-Execution-Assesment.

Who designates priority targets?

Priority targets are designated at the discretion of the maneuver commander and may be shifted or changed as the supported unit moves forward. A firing unit can have a priority target or a final protective fire (FPF) but not both. 4) Final Protective Fires (FPF): These are targets are used only in defensive operations.

What are the four principles of targeting?

Physical, functional, cognitive, environmental, and temporal are broad categories that help define the characteristics of a target. The purpose of targeting is to integrate and synchronize fires into joint operations by utilizing available capabilities to generate a specific lethal or nonlethal effect on a target.

What are the two types of planned targets?

Planned targets may be further subdivided into scheduled or on-call targets. Some planned targets may be designated as priority targets and FPFs. In artillery and naval surface fire support, a planned target on which fire is to be delivered at a specific time. Fires are prearranged as to location and time of firing.

What is a high-value target Sejpme?

Term. High-Value Target (HVT) Definition. A target the enemy commander requires for the successful completion of the mission. Term.

What is an effect Sejpme II?

Definition. – weapon systems or other actions to create a specific lethal or nonlethal effect on a target. Term. A company of Marine infantry moving forward is engaged by enemy armor.