What is a fey child?

What is a fey child?

whimsical; strange; otherworldly. a strange child with a mysterious smile and a fey manner.

Are changelings Fey?

Changeling Traits Their fey heritage allows them to live much longer than humans, up to 200 years. Alignment: Changelings can be of any alignment, and have no tendencies based solely on race, despite the biased perception of others.

What is a fey creature?

A fairy (also fay, fae, fey, fair folk, or faerie) is a type of mythical being or legendary creature found in the folklore of multiple European cultures (including Celtic, Slavic, German, English, and French folklore), a form of spirit, often described as metaphysical, supernatural, or preternatural.

What do changelings look like?

They have large colorless eyes circled by thick black rings. Their hair color is most commonly a light shade of silver followed by platinum and blonde. In rarer cases, their hair can be pale shades of green, pink, and blue. Similar to elves, changelings lack body and facial hair.

How do you tell if your child is a changeling?

The common means employed to identify a changeling is to cook a family meal in an eggshell. The child will exclaim, “I have seen the acorn before the oak, but I never saw the likes of this,” and vanish, only to be replaced by the original human child.

Can changelings change gender?

Yes. From ‘Races of Eberron’, Page 45 : “A changeling can alter his or her gender (and reproductive abilities) as part of using the race’s minor shapechange ability.” “If a changeling in a female form conceives a child, she loses the ability to change her gender until after the child is born.”

Are dwarves Fey?

The truly uninformed would see the elves, dwarves, gnomes, and even goblins as a form of fey. As for whether fairies desired weal and woe, both were the case.

Are drow Fey?

In the monster manual they are categorized as Fey creatures so that is true in a way but that would also mean that drow would be categorized as Fey creatures too, which they are not.

What are drow afraid of?

The constant strife of their society led the drow to be paranoid and fear everyone and everything. They feared the potential loss of their station, the loss of Lolth’s favor, the loss of loyalty or outright rebellion of their underlings, and the potential of punishment from their superiors.

Where do drow go when they die?

They go to the Fugue Plane, where they are only taken if they are chosen by the Deities or their Servants… or they are ripped away by Demons and become currency or, worse, tortured Manes.

Are all drow evil?

Originally, drow were chaotic evil in alignment. Beginning with 3rd edition D&D, drow are usually neutral evil. There have been encounters with non-evil drow, but these are distrusted as much as their brethren, due to their reputation.

Why are drow hated?

Part of it is the stereotypical player that just wants a cool character or a Drizzt ripoff. There’s also the fact that they are (or “should be”) evil, sensitive to light, and hated by any elf – and should hate any elves too. Most people who play Drow tend to end up as one of two things: Chaotic Stupid or Drizzt Clone.

Is drow black?

The Drow are actually cave adapted albinos who secondarily acquired the ability to capture hard radiation energy via pigment, which is why they have white hair and pink eyes but skin that is nearly coal black.

Do elves hate drow?

Drow traditionally have a special enmity with surface Elves. Drow and Dwarves don’t really get along very well, but it’s not the same kind of intense racial hatred as with between dark elves and surface elves. They trade and relate with each other often, something that a Dwarf or surface Elf would never think of doing.

Why do drow have dark skin?

The drow originated in the surface world before the Sundering. It’s at this point that the drow were forced from the surface and moved underground. When they were still surface elves, they had black skin and so retained that pigmentation underground.

What do half drow look like?

A half-drow was the offspring of one human parent and one drow parent. A half-drow generally had dusky skin, silver or white hair, and human eye colors. They could see around 60 feet (18 m) with darkvision, but otherwise had no other known drow traits or abilities.

Can an elf become a drow?

So an intense environment with with very evil acts and the worship of demons turns elves into drow. The transformation is called the Dark Fate. For a mechanical method of how a mild transformation works, there’s the Darklantern Vigilante. They are elves who are able to turn into drow so that they can spy on them.

Is lolth a demon or a god?

Lolth is a demon lord and a goddess worshipped by the drow (some myths propose that she was originally a goddess who was transformed into a demon). She displays formidable power and great cruelty with an affection for arachnids.

Can drow see in magical darkness?

That part about Drow casting Darkness was rewritten in the PHB too: When you reach 5th level, you can also cast the darkness spell once per day. The only thing which you can use to see in magical darkness is the ‘Devil’s Sight’ ability which Warlocks can get and a few monsters have.

Is drow a playable race?

Yes. They are a playable elf subrace in the PHB.

How tall are drow elves?

They usually varied in height from four feet seven inches to five feet five inches and weighed from 80 to 155 pounds on average.

Does drow know Undercommon?

Undercommon isn’t a racial language; it’s the “common” of the Underdark, and better thought of as a trade language of that realm. It’s perfectly appropriate that a drow character might remain ignorant of undercommon (perhaps they have no trade interests). Drow speak Elven (albeit in some evil-sounding accent!)

Are dark elves and drow the same?

Dark elves are just elves who were banished from elven lands and society. Drow typically have innate magic powers (like dancing lights, darkness, etc) and a somewhat strict religious society based on Loth, and a matriarchal society haling from under ground.

What is a drider?

Driders were centaur-like creatures, appearing as drow from the waist up, with their lower portions replaced by the abdomen and legs of immense spiders. Driders were sexless because Lolth did not want to have a race of enemies to the drow.

What color are dark elves?

In the Dungeons & Dragons multiverse, especially in the worlds of Greyhawk, the Forgotten Realms and Eberron, dark elves are commonly called drow. They are dark-skinned and white-haired and are generally, but not exclusively, evil.

What is drow magic?

Magic is an inherent part of drow life, both on a personal level, and on a societal one. These innate powers, so called because all drow are born with them, and can learn to utilize them of their own volition without formal tutelage, are the abilities to evoke Dancing Lights, Faerie Fire, and Darkness.

What do drow elves eat?

They probably have the same requirements as any other Elf, which is pretty much the same as a Human. Drow, however, would likely prefer a diet consisting largely of fungi/mushrooms and freshwater fish, their subterranean staples. Probably similar to a surface elf, only with a typical diet including more fungi and meat.

Can drow grow beards?

Drow do not grow beards. The only time you see them with beards are when gaming companies make ignorant mistakes and give those drow rakish large mustachios like in Neverwinter Nights.

What is meaning of drow?

Definition of ‘drow’ 1. a gust of wind and rain; squall. 2. a fainting-fit; attack of illness.

How do you spell drow?


  1. \ ˈdrəu̇ \
  2. plural -s.
  3. \ ” \
  4. plural -s.