What is a female elf called?

What is a female elf called?

Luthien was called both an elf-maid and elf-maiden. In Tolkien's levish lexicon, Ellon means "elf-man", and Elleth "elf-woman".

What is the Elvish word for beautiful?

vanimalda “most beautiful; most beautiful, exceeding fair; thou beautiful” vanimelda “beautiful and beloved, elven-fair; very beautiful”

What is the Elvish word for love?

Meleth is the noun for "love"; compare the difference between Quenya Mélan "I love" as a verbal expression with pronoun, and noun melmë "love".

What is the Elvish word for dragon?

Words denoting "dragon" in Quenya are lókë and angulóke. Sindarin has lhûg and amlug. In Gnomish, "dragon" is fuithlug ("a dragon who guards treasure"), lingwir or ulug (plural ulûgin; "she dragon" is uluch, uluchnir or ulugwin).

What is the Elvish word for fire?

nár 3. nár noun "flame", also nárë (NAR1). Translated "fire" in some names, see Aicanár(o), Fëanáro (where nár apparently has the masculine ending -o added to it). According to PE17:183, nár- is "fire as an element" (a concrete fire or blaze is rather called a ruinë).

What does Mellon Nin mean in Elvish?

Mellon nin- my friends. Mellon -Friend.

What Elvish does Legolas speak?

Sindarin is the most common elvish language, and would be what Galadriel, Elrond, and Celeborn speak regularly. Thranduil was also Sindarin, and spoke the Sindarin language in his home (though not necessarily in public, at least during his early period in Mirkwood.) Legolas definitely speaks Sindarin.

How do you say light in Elvish?

calina ("k")adj. "light" (KAL), "bright" (VT42:32) "(literally illumined) sunny, light" (PE17:153) but apparently a noun "light" in coacalina, q.v.

How do you say goodbye in Elvish?

The Quenya word namárië is a reduced form of á na márië, meaning literally "be well", an Elvish formula used for greeting and for farewell. "Namárië" is the longest Quenya text in The Lord of the Rings and also one of the longest continuous texts in Quenya that Tolkien ever wrote.

How do you write in Elvish?

The Quenya mode is most commonly used in written Elvish today. Different modes of writing the Tengwar alphabet are used for different dialects. These different modes affect, among other things, the way vowels are indicated when written down.

How do you say Wolf in Elvish?

Another Quenya word for "wolf" is ráka. Cognates, also meaning "wolf", are Exilic Noldorin draug and Doriathrin drôg. In Gnomish, one of Tolkien's early conceptions of an Elven language, "wolf" is harog or harw; "a she-wolf" is harach; Qenya has ulku "wolf".

Why is the door to Moria in Elvish?

The Doors on the west side of Moria opened directly into the Elvish kingdom of Eregion or Hollin. This was the closest friendship to ever exist between Elves and Dwarves, and generally the Doors were kept open to facilitate friendship, trade, and travel between the two kingdoms.

What country speaks Elvish?

This was later called Quenya (High-elven) and is one of the two most complete of Tolkien's languages (the other being Sindarin, or Grey-elven). The phonology and grammar of Quenya are strongly influenced by Finnish, Latin, Greek and elements of ancient Germanic languages, and Sindarin is strongly influenced by Welsh.

How do you say Mom in Elvish?

The Etymologies list amil or amme as Quenya for mother. This root can be seen in the use of amilesse tercenye, or "mother-names of insight" given to the Eldar sometime in their youth, by their mothers. There is a different Noldorin word for "mother", naneth, with a pet-name form given as nana.

Is Elvish easy to learn?

Quenya is a more formal, ancient form of Elvish, while Sindarin is the most commonly-spoken version among the everyday people of Middle Earth. To learn either language, start by memorizing the vowel sounds. Then, practice the consonants, which are much easier since most of them sound like English.

How many Elvish words are there?

Of the languages used in 'The Lord of the Rings', Quenya with about 2000 words and Sindarin with perhaps 1200 words are the most developed and can be used to translate poetry or even prose texts, while Telerin with less than 300 known words is already marginally usable only.

Does Google Translate have Elvish?

It functions much like Google Translate. Just type in your words or phrases and the site will provide the Elvish translation. It also has a Tengwar translator, which converts your English words into the beautiful script of the Elves.

How do you say elf in Elvish?

The most common Quenya word for “Elf”. Its literal meaning is “one of the Star-folk” (WJ/374), a name given to them by Oromë (S/49) and derived from the same primitive root √EL as Q. elen “star”.

Can I learn to speak Elvish?

Tolkien actually created many different Elvish languages. However only Quenya and Sindarin really had enough vocab/grammer to be considered "learnable". Sindarin is the language spoken in the movie. Yes, you can not speak it on the street, but if you want to speak it as if your were in Middle Earth, it is very doable.

How do you say speak friend and enter in Elvish?

Merry Brandybuck unknowingly gave Gandalf the answer by asking, "What does it mean by speak, friend, and enter?" When Gandalf realized that the correct translation was "Say friend and enter" he sprang up, laughed, and said "Mellon", which means "friend" in Sindarin, and the Doors opened.

What is father in Elvish?

atar. Atar. atar (pl. atari) is a Quenya word meaning "father".

How do you say goodnight in Elvish?

As far as I know, Maer Daw means goodnight. http://www.casualstrolltomordor.com/-and-sundries/ It's thirteenth on the list of Sindarin phrases. Aarow – The champion with charisma. Oridon – A rune keeper of the highest quality.

How do you say water in Elvish?

nén (nen-) noun "water" (NEN).

What is Elvish moon?

The two languages are very similar at times: for example, the Quenya word for "moon" is isil, while the Sindarin form is ithil. The Quenya word for "sun" is anar, while the Sindarin form is anor.

Is Elvish based on Welsh?

The phonology and grammar of Quenya are strongly influenced by Finnish, Latin, Greek and elements of ancient Germanic languages, and Sindarin is strongly influenced by Welsh. Tolkien conceived a family tree of Elvish languages, all descending from a common ancestor called Primitive Quendian.

What does Elven mean?

adjective. Relating to or suggestive of an elf. Origin of elven. Middle English elven an elf ( introduced into Modern English in the works of J.R.R. Tolkien in such compounds as Elvenking king of the Elves ) from Old English -elfen ( as in wuduelfen dryad ); see albho- in Indo-European roots.

What is the dwarven word for friend?

Mellon is attested Grey-elven, and it doesn't get more written in stone than that. And, arguably, the Sindarin word in the dwarvish Angerthas Moria symbolizes friendship (as the spoken word did in the text) better than a word in the Dwarves' secret Khuzdul language would.

How old is Saruman the White?

Saruman the White (Third Age c. 1000 – 3019, existed in Middle-earth for 2019 years) was the first of the order of Wizards (or Istari) who came to Middle-earth as Emissaries of the Valar in the Third Age.

How do you say Moon in Elvish?

The two languages are very similar at times: for example, the Quenya word for "moon" is isil, while the Sindarin form is ithil. The Quenya word for "sun" is anar, while the Sindarin form is anor. Many web sites attempt to teach Elvish, and Grey Company is one of them.

What does Gandalf say to open the Mines of Moria?

Gandalf: "It reads 'The Doors of Durin — Lord of Moria. Gandalf: "Oh, it's quite simple. If you are a friend, you speak the password, and the doors will open." Gandalf: "Annon Edhellen, edro hi ammen!" (Gate of the Elves, open now for me!)