What is a afternoon performance of a show called?

What is a afternoon performance of a show called?

MATINÉE / MATINEE. Afternoon performance of a show.

What are matinee performances?

A matinee performance is a performance that takes place during the day (usually on the weekends, but not always) as opposed to at night. Where a regular performance might start between 6–8 PM, a matinee will begin between 12–3 PM. As an actor, I can say that matinees usually have less energy and smaller crowds.

What are matinee hours?

Basically, movie matinee times are in place to encourage more people to head to the movies during the cinema's less busy times. More often than not, these times start between 9:00 am and 12:00 pm and range to 3:30 pm and 6:00 pm.

Are matinees cheaper?

Why Are Matinee Movies Cheaper? A theater doesn't need to make the same amount of money from hungry matinee moviegoers as it does from full evening moviegoers. The matinee prices are lower because it's better to have butts in the seats than have the theater empty during the day.