What is a 7 letter word starting with C?

What is a 7 letter word starting with C?

7-letter words starting with C

Cabadas cabalas
cabanas cabaret
cabbage cabbagy
cabbala cabbies
cabbing Cabeiri

How many 5 letter words are there?

How many five-letter words are there? There are 8,996 five-letter words in the Office Scrabble Player’s Dictionary, Volume 6.

What is the 5 letter pleasing word?


What is a 5 letter word riddle?

It is a 5 letter word if you take away first letter it is something you get from sun, if you remove second letter you will get something to eat, if you remove third letter you get a word you use in pointing at and if you remove the fourth letter you get something to drink. What is it? Answer: Wheat.

How many 3 Letter words are there in English?

1,065 three

Are all 3 letter Roblox names taken?

There are sadly no 3 letter usernames. The bots typed in every 3 letter username possibly created, there is no way to get a 3 letter username anymore. no, alot of them were created in the beginning years of Roblox.

How many 3 letter palindromes are there?

451 3 letter palindromes

What are some cool 3 letter words?

Really Cool Three-Letter Words

  • wye.
  • ger.
  • udi.
  • oud.
  • alb.
  • vug.
  • kef.
  • qed.

What is a 3 letter abbreviation called?


What is a 3 letter word with Z?

3 letter words that start with Z

  • zag.
  • zap.
  • zas.
  • zax.
  • zed.
  • zee.
  • zek.
  • zen.

What is a 3 letter word?

Three Letter Words

  • aah.
  • aal.
  • aas.
  • aba.
  • abs.
  • aby.
  • ace.
  • act.

What’s a 3 letter word for mistake?

make mistake (3)
Make mistake (3)
Make mistake

What is a fruit with 3 letters?

Fruits & Vegetables – 3 letters

Results Instant Lookup
Fig W O D
Haw W O D
Hip W O D
Nut W O D

What is a 3 letter vegetable?

All Crossword-Answers for: vegetable

Clue Answer Letters
vegetable with 3 Letters
vegetable PEA 3
vegetable YAM 3
vegetable UDO 3

What is a fruit with 5 letters?

Fruits & Vegetables – 5 letters

Results Instant Lookup
Galia W O D
Gourd W O D
Grape W O D
Guava W O D

What is a 4 letter fruit?

fruit (4)
Fruit (4)
Fruit (4)

What words can I make out of fruit?


  • 4 letter Words made out of fruit. 1). turf 2). frit 3). rift.
  • 3 letter Words made out of fruit. 1). tui 3). rut 4). fur 6). fit.
  • 2 letter Words made out of fruit. 1).

How many words can I make out of fruit?

14 words

What words can I make with the letters fruit?

3 letter words which can be formed using the letters from ‘fruit’:

  • fir. fit. fur. rif. tui.
  • frit. rift. turf.

What words can you make with salt?

Words that can be made with salt

  • alts.
  • last.
  • lats.
  • salt.
  • slat.

How many words can you make out of expend?

23 words

What can you spell with found?

Words that can be made with found

  • fond.
  • fund.
  • udon.
  • undo.

What words can you make out of world?


  • 4 letter Words made out of world. 1). word 2). lord 3). wold.
  • 3 letter Words made out of world. 1). owl 2). row 3). old 4). low 5). dow 6). dor 7). dol 8). rod.
  • 2 letter Words made out of world. 1).

What found means?

transitive verb. 1 : to take the first steps in building. 2 : to set or ground on something solid : base. 3 : to establish (something) often with provision for future maintenance found an institution.

How many words can you make out of sweet?